Publications Office of the EU
Authority tables - EU Vocabularies
Authority tables

Authority tables 

Authority tables (also known as Named Authority Lists or NALs are used to harmonise and standardise the codes and associated labels used in various environments (web platforms, systems and applications) and in facilitating data exchanges between the institutions involved in decision-making process and not only.

The released authority tables are also available on as datasets.

EU Vocabularies - Template display
Access right

The access-right authority table is a controlled vocabulary listing the access rights or restrictions to resources. It is designed for but not limited to DCAT descriptions of datasets. This authority table is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website. 


This table provides a list of options for the use of accessibility criteria for person with disabilities in the technical specifications within the domain of public procurement.


Address type

The Address type authority table (AT) is a controlled vocabulary that provides the address types as used in the EU Whoiswho application. The AT gives the authority code and the English label for each concept. The Address type AT is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website. 

Administrative territorial unit

Administrative territorial unit (ATU) authority table is a controlled vocabulary that lists concepts associated with various administrative territorial units of current and past EU Member States.

An administrative territorial unit is a portion of a country or other region delineated for the purpose of administration. Due to the large volume of lowest level administrative units (local authority, municipality) in certain countries, these units have not yet been fully implemented. ATU is structured by countries and contains labels in the official language(s) of the concerned country and in English.

The classification of each territorial unit can be found in the related Administrative territorial unit type authority table. 

ATU is updated based on the stakeholders' needs.

Contributions to it are accepted following a review made by EU Vocabularies team of the Publications Office of the EU.

ATU is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website.

Administrative territorial unit type

Administrative territorial unit type is a controlled vocabulary that provides the various types of administrative territorial units within the Member States of the European Union. It is linked to the  controlled vocabulary Administrative territorial unit, which provides the list of the subdivisions per country. 

The categorisation of these types is based on official  national information and the Committee of the Regions of the European Union has provided the translations in all official languages of the European Union. The ISO 3166-2 standard has also been used. Where there are differences between the typesof administrative units and the ISO code, the legal basis of the country concerned has taken precedence. 

An administrative unit is defined for administrative purposes with a certain degree of autonomy and is country-specific. The administrative unit refers to the public administration to which administrative law applies.

The administrative territorial unit types must not be confused with the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS). The NUTS is defined according to the population living in the territorial unit and is used in an economic/statistical environment. The administrative territorial unit types must not be confused with the jurisdiction territories designed for the competence area of Courts. In certain countries, the subdivisions may be the same for the administrative, economic, statistical and judicial units.

Administrative territorial unit type is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website. 


This table provides a list of the options pertinent to be chosen for a matter concerning the applicability of predefined fields. It is designed for but not restricted to the context of public procurement.

Asset classification

This classification is intended for organising knowledge organisation system (KOS) assets published by the Publications Office of the European Union ranging from controlled lists, terminologies, thesauri, models, markup schemas, ontologies and authoritative assets and other kinds of resources. The assets types are classified by their main function, being classification, sematic or data modelling, handling authoritative data, e.g.The Asset classification authority table is maintained by the Publications Office of the EU on the EU Vocabularies website.

Award criterion type

This table provides the list of rules to be taken into account for the award decisions within the in public procurement procedures. The initial values are those foreseen in the public procurement directives of 2014 (Directives 2014/23/EU, 2014/24/EU and 2014/25/EU).

The translations provided are those used in the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/1986 establishing standard forms for the publication of notices in the field of public procurement.

Binding type

The Binding type authority table is a controlled vocabulary listing methods used to bind a published or unpublished document. The Binding type authority table is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website.

The browser table provides a list of web browsers used in web crawling. It has been developed specifically for the EU Web Preservation.
Buyer legal type

This table provides a list of the the type of procuring authorities within the domain of public procurement according to legislation.

COM internal consultation type
COM internal consultation type Named Authority List
COM internal event

The COM internal event authority table is a technical table for the internal use of the European Commission. It is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website. 

COM internal procedure

COM internal procedure is a controlled vocabulary that lists the procedures used inside the European Commission. This technical table is intended for the internal use of the Commission. It is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on EU Vocabularies website.

CVD contract type

The type of contract of the procurement procedure within the scope of Clean Vehicles Directive 2009/33/EC.

Capital classification

Capital classification is a controlled vocabulary providing locality statuses. Capital classification is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website.



The Carrier authority table is a controlled vocabulary listing values representing the medium on which content is stored. The Carrier authority table is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website.

Case report

The Case report authority table (AT) is a controlled vocabulary providing the different names of the case law reports of the Court of Justice of the European Union. The Case report AT is used in an IMMC extension for which only one institution is the source (Court of Justice). It indicates the authority code and start-use date of each concept. The Case report AT is updated in coordination with the Court of Justice and maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website. 

Case status

The Case status authority table (AT) is a controlled vocabulary providing the different statuses used for a case at the Court of Justice of the European Union. The Case status AT is used in an IMMC extension for which only one institution is the source (Court of Justice). It gives the authority code and start-use date of each concept. Case status value indicates the status of the case i.e. case pending (including on-going cases, stayed cases and cases in the process of being discontinued or withdrawn); case closed.


The Case status AT is updated in coordination with the Court of Justice  and maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website. 

Change corrig justification

This table provides the codes and values used in case of justification of correction applied to a notice within the context of public procurement.

Communication justification

This table provides the justification for restricting access rights to resources within the context of public procurement.

Concept status

The Concept status authority table is an internal controlled vocabulary used at the Publications Office. It provides the various statuses used in a harmonised way amongst the authority tables. Concepts with current, deprecated and retired statuses are published while the remaining statuses are related to the internal workflow. The Concept status authority table is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website. 

Confidentiality level

The Confidentiality level authority table is a controlled vocabulary used to define the information confidentiality levels according to the European Commission Security Notice ‘Information assessment and classification’, C(2019) 1903 final, 5.3.2019.

The Confidentiality level authority table is updated based on the stakeholders’ needs. 

Contributions to it are accepted following a review made by EU Vocabularies team of the Publications Office of the EU.

The Confidentiality level authority table is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.


The continent authority table is a controlled vocabulary providing a list of continents. This table is an internal table at the Publications Office of the European Union derived from the country authority table.

Contract detail

This table provides a framework to represent data relating to procurement.


Contract nature

This table provides a list of different types of subjects and goods that  can be acquired by means of a public contract such as works, supplies and services by one or more contracting authorities from economic operators.

Corporate body

Corporate body is a controlled vocabulary that provides the varying names of EU corporate bodies for a given time period; international and national corporate bodies are also included as far as they are used in the various systems in the Publications Office. The traceability of the chronological modifications is ensured when possible. Corporate body is under governance of the Interinstitutional Metadata and Formats Committee (IMFC). It is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website.

Corporate body classification

Corporate body classification is a controlled vocabulary providing types of corporate bodies. It is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website.

Correction status

Correction status is a controlled vocabulary used for internal purposes at the Publications Office. It provides proofreading statuses of labels and descriptions. Correction status is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website.

Countries and territories

Countries and territories is a controlled vocabulary that lists concepts associated with names of countries and territories. It is a corporate reference data asset covered by the Corporate Reference Data Management policy of the European Commission. 

It provides codes and names of geospatial and geopolitical entities in all official EU languages and is the result of a combination of multiple relevant standards, created to serve the requirements and use cases of the EU institutions services. Its main scope is to support documentary metadata activities. 

The codes of the concepts included are correlated with the ISO 3166 international standard. The authority code relies where possible on the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code. Additional user-assigned alpha-3 codes have been used to cover entities that are not included in the ISO 3166-1 standard. 

The corporate list contains mappings with the ISO 3166-1 two-letter codes, the Interinstitutional Style Guide codes and with other internal and external identifiers including ISO 3166-1 numeric, ISO 3166-3, UNSD M49, UNSD Geoscheme, IBAN, TIR, IANA domain.

For the names of countries and territories, the corporate list synchronises with the Interinstitutional Style Guide (ISG, Section 7.1 and Annexes A5 and A6) and with the IATE terminology database.

Membership and classification properties provide possibilities to group concepts, e.g., UN, EU, EEA, EFTA, Schengen area, Euro area, NATO, OECD, UCPM, ENP-EAST, ENP-SOUTH, EU candidate countries and potential candidates.

Countries and territories is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website. Regular updates are foreseen based on its stakeholders’ needs.

Downloads in human-readable formats (.csv, .html) are also available.

Court type

The Court type authority table (AT) is a controlled vocabulary providing the classification of EU courts as well as the general three-level classification of national courts. It indicates the authority code and start-use date of each concept and gives labels in all official EU languages. The Court type AT is updated in coordination with the Court of Justice of the European Union and maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website. 

The crawler table provides a list of programs used for web crawling designed for web archiving. It has been developed specifically for the EU Web Preservation.

This table provides criteria used for public procurement procedures.



Currency is a controlled vocabulary listing concepts associated with currencies and currency subunits. The concepts included are correlated with the ISO 4217 international standard. Currency is under governance of the Interinstitutional Metadata and Formats Committee (IMFC), maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website. It is a corporate reference data asset covered by the Corporate Reference Data Management policy of the European Commission.

Customer service

This table provides a list of customer services.


DPS usage

This table provides a list  wether a dynamic purchasing system is involved in a procurement and, in case of central purchasing bodies, whether it can be used by buyers not listed in the notice of the Official Journal of the European Union.

Data service type

The Data service type authority table is a controlled vocabulary providing possible types of data services.It has been developed specifically for the Linked Data Solutions (LDS) project. 

The Data service type authority table is updated based on the stakeholders' needs.

Contributions to it are accepted following a review made by the EU Vocabularies team of the Publications Office of the EU.

The Data service type authority table is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.

Data theme

The Data theme authority table is a controlled vocabulary that lists concepts associated with themes used for dataset classification.

Its main scope is to support activities associated with the Data Catalog Vocabulary application profile (DCAT-AP). 

The concepts have been defined by the working group in charge of the revision of the DCAT-AP.

The Data theme authority table is updated based on the stakeholders' needs.

Contributions to it are accepted following a review made by EU Vocabularies team of the Publications Office of the EU.

The Data theme authority table is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website. 

Dataset status

The Dataset status authority table is a controlled vocabulary providing possible statuses for datasets. It has been developed specifically for the official portal for European data ‘’. This authority table is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website. 

Dataset type

Dataset type is a controlled vocabulary listing types of datasets. Its main scope is to support dataset categorisation of the official portal for European data ( Dataset type is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.

Direct award justification

This table provides the list of reasons for using a procedure which allows awarding contracts directly without the requirement of publishing a call for competition in the Official Journal of the European Union.

Directory of EU legal acts

The Directory of EU legal acts authority table (AT) is a controlled vocabulary that contains the directories of EU legislation (Directory of European Union legislation, Directory of European Union preparatory acts, Directory of international agreements and Directory of European Union consolidated acts) which facilitate the access to EU legislation by subject. The directory of EU legal acts is structured into 20 chapters with divisions into further sub-sections as necessary. The Directory of EU legal acts AT is part of the Core Metadata used in the exchange between the institutions involved in the legal decision making process and the Publications Office of the European Union. It indicates the authority code and start-use date of each concept and gives labels in all official EU languages. The Directory of EU legal acts AT is under governance of the Interinstitutional Metadata Maintenance Committee (IMMC) and maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website. 

Directory of legal acts is accessible at

Dissemination status

The Dissemination status authority table provides values for describing the status of dissemination for content, e.g. serials, monographic series, mobile applications, podcasts, datasets. It has been developed specifically for the Cataloguing Team which manages (metadata of the) general publications. 

The Dissemination status authority table is updated based on the stakeholders' needs. 

Contributions to it are accepted following a review made by the EU Vocabularies team of the Publications Office of the EU. 

The Dissemination status authority table is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website.

Distribution status

The Distribution status authority table is a controlled vocabulary used to define the status of distributions of datasets described using the DCAT-AP data model. It has been developed to allow using the ADMS terms prescribed by DCAT-AP, as a controlled vocabulary. 

This authority table is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.

The Distribution status authority table is updated based on the stakeholders' needs. 

Contributions to it are accepted following a review made by EU Vocabularies team of the Publications Office of the EU. 

The Distribution status authority table is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.

Distribution type

The Distribution type authority table is a controlled vocabulary providing possible distribution types. It has been developed specifically for the official portal for European data ‘’. 

The Distribution type authority table is updated based on the stakeholders' needs.

Contributions to it are accepted following a review made by EU Vocabularies team of the Publications Office of the EU.

The Distribution type authority table is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website. 

Document collection
This technical table provides the codes used for internal purposes in the CELLAR application.
Document identifier format

Document identifier format is a controlled vocabulary that describes the standardised syntax of the identifiers of documents produced by the institutions of the European Union in particular. It was created to be used by metadata in the AKN4EU mark-up language. It provides for each identifier marked a mapping with a standardised syntax with a decomposition into the subcomponents and for each subcomponent a meaning depending on the type of identifier. Each institution can have its own naming convention and is allowed to map it according to its own naming convention inside the text. Document identifier format is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on EU Vocabularies website.


Document reference content type

This authority table lists the different types of reference documents related to the ESPD procurement procedure and in the case of notices whether they have been published at national, regional or European level.

Document used in Public Procurement

This code list describes documents used in Public Procurement. A set of interrelated business information representing the business facts and associated metadata. The information may be conveyed in any language, medium or form, including textual, numerical, graphic, cartographic, audio-visual forms, etc.

Documentation type

The Documentation type authority table is a controlled vocabulary providing possible documentation types. It has been developed specifically for the official portal for European data ‘’. This authority table is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.

EU budget amount status

This authority table provides possible statuses for amounts in the EU budget. It has been developed specifically for the EU budget as Linked Open Data project.

EU budget stage

This authority table provides possible stages of the EU budget preparatory actions and pilot projects. It has been developed specifically for the EU budget as Linked Open Data project.

EU budget status

This authority table provides possible statuses of the EU budget preparatory actions and pilot projects. It has been developed specifically for the EU budget as Linked Open Data project.

EU political leader name

EU political leader name is a controlled vocabulary that contains the current and previous members of the College of Commissioners. The members of the College are the Commission's political leadership. It is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website.

EU programme

The EU programme authority table (AT) is a controlled vocabulary providing the list of programmes created and coordinated by the European Union and financially supported by the European Union or, in a few cases, by the contributions from the Member States. It has been developed specifically for the EU Budget as open linked data project. It indicates the authority code and start-use date of each concept and gives labels in all official EU languages. The EU programme AT is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website. It is a corporate reference data asset covered by the Corporate Reference Data Management policy of the European Commission. 

Economic operator role

This table identifies the role of the economic operator in the procurement.

Economic operator size

This table provides the different categories in which the tenderers to whom a contract can be awarded are classified, according to their size (using as criteria the number of employees).

Encoding level

The Encoding Level authority table provides values that indicates the fullness of the bibliographic information and/or content designation of the MARC record. The Encoding level authority table is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website.

Environmental impact

This table provides the information about whether a procurement includes a process to procure goods, services and works with a reduced environmental impact throughout their life cycle.


Event is a controlled vocabulary that lists the events that are part of the legal decision making process. It was created to harmonise and to trace historically the various events triggered by an agent within the procedures and associated with a resource type. The various sources of information were extracted from Pegase and Prelex. Event forms part of the Core Metadata used in the exchange between the institutions involved in the legal decision making process and the Publications Office of the European Union. It is also used by EUR-Lex. Event provides labels in all official EU languages. Codes in italic are deprecated and should be used only for back-log work. Event is under governance of the Interinstitutional Metadata and Formats Committee (IMFC). It is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website. 

Event status

The Event status authority table (AT) is a controlled vocabulary that describes the status of an event in an interinstutional procedure or an internal procedure of an institution allowing therefore to distinguish aspects of the same (legal) event in time: usually events are post-factum (NORMAL), but they can be PROJECTED to happen in the future or - if that projection was revoked by the projecting stakeholder - CANCELLED. Another projection aspect is setting up a DEADLINE from another event. The Event status AT is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.

Exclusion Ground

Exclusion grounds in public procurement refer to the criteria that prevent certain entities from participating in public contracts due to criminal offenses, tax breaches, or other specified misconduct, aiming to ensure fairness and integrity in public procurement processes.

Répertoire (CC) (ancienne FD_ 090) – maintained by "travaux documentaires" section, but also used by "contenu éditorial" for the generation of the monthly directories – Pascale Dell et Alice Do Carmo Dias
Fd 380
File status

File status is a controlled vocabulary that outlines various stages in the life cycle of different activities. Originally, it detailed the different stages in the life cycle of an act (or in the decision-making process of an act) from initiation to completion, to meet the needs of EUR-Lex. As the need for a more generic status table arose, this asset was expanded to encompass stages for all kinds of products and processes. File status is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website.

File type

File type is a controlled vocabulary listing different types of digital files. It is under governance of the Interinstitutional Metadata and Formats Committee (IMFC), maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website. File type is a corporate reference data asset covered by the Corporate Reference Data Management policy of the European Commission.

Foreign Subsidy Measure Conclusion

On 12 July 2023, the Foreign Subsidies Regulation (FSR) (Regulation (EU) 2022/2560) entered into force. The FSR introduces a new set of rules that enables the Commission to address distortions caused by foreign subsidies. This allows the EU to ensure a level of playing field for all companies operating in the Single Market, while remaining open to trade and investment.  This code list is about the situation of Measures applied under the Foreign Subsidies Regulation (EU) 2022/2560. Economic operators bidding in large public procurement procedures must submit a notification or declaration pursuant to Article 28(1) FSR with their tender, which is assessed by the Commission. The economic operators either provide a notification or a declaration under the FSR, depending on the amount of foreign financial contribution received. The contract award notice must acknowledge the Commission’s assessment, based on the situations described in the code list.

Form type

This table provides the codes and values used for the type of forms published on TED. 

Formation of the Court

The Formation of the Court authority table (AT) is a controlled vocabulary showing the composition of the courts of the European Union according to the case they are seized with (Articles 251, 254 and 257 of the Treaty on Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). This AT provides an authority code, the start-use date of the concept and labels in all official EU languages. The concepts are used for the production of reports of cases before the Court and to publish case-law on the EUR-Lex site. The Formation of the Court  AT is used in an IMMC extension for which only one institution is the source (Court of Justice). It is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website. 

Framework agreement

This table provides the list of codes to distinguish the different type framework agreement involved in a tender.


Frequency is a controlled vocabulary that provides the occurrences of various events, actions and publications, including the intervals at which a continuing resource is issued. Frequency is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website.

Grammatical alternation

The grammatical-alternation authority table is a controlled vocabulary which captures the phonological alternations based on whether the first letter of the succeeding word is a consonant or a vowel, completed with a syllable rule.  It is used for number forms in the Maltese language.

Grammatical consciousness

The grammatical-consciousness authority table is a controlled vocabulary which provides the grammatical features regarding consciousness of a substantive. It is designed to capture number form variations in the Irish language, used to enumerate human beings or things and animals.

Grammatical gender

The grammatical-gender authority table is a controlled vocabulary which provides the list of the grammatical genders in languages which have gender distinctions: "male", "female", "neuter" or "utrum". It also contains concepts for "no gender" (in languages that do not have gender distinctions) and "generic" (identical forms in languages that make gender distinctions).

The grammatical-gender authority table is updated based on the stakeholders' needs.

Contributions to it are accepted following a review made by EU Vocabularies team of the Publications Office of the EU.

The grammatical-gender authority table is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.

Grammatical number

The grammatical-number authority table is a controlled vocabulary which provides the list of the grammatical numbers referring to different number of things or persons: "singular", "dual" or "plural". There is also a concept "generic" for forms that do not distinguish between grammatical numbers. 

The grammatical-number authority table is updated based on the stakeholders' needs.

Contributions to it are accepted following a review made by EU Vocabularies team of the Publications Office of the EU.

The grammatical-number authority table is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.

Green Public Procurement Criteria

This table provides the information about whether a procurement procedure includes the use of established green public procurement criteria (selection criteria, technical specifications, award criteria and contract performance clauses), at national, Union or other levels, if applicable.


Honorific is a controlled vocabulary that provides a list of honorific titles used in addressing or referring to a person as used in the EU Whoiswho. It is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website.

Human sex

The Human sex authority table is a controlled vocabulary providing the list of human sexes. The Human sex authority table is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website. 

Illustrative content

The Illustrative content authority table provides values describing the illustrative content that supplements the textual content. The Illustrative content authority table is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website.

Interinstitutional procedure

The Interinstitutional procedure authority table (AT) is a controlled vocabulary listing the different procedures used in the context of data exchange between the institutions involved in the legal decision-making process and the Publications Office of the European Union. It provides an authority code, the start-use date of the concept and labels in all official EU languages. The Interinstitutional procedure authority table is under governance of the Interinstitutional Metadata Maintenance Committee (IMMC) and maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.

Internal procedure

Internal procedure is a controlled vocabulary that lists the various internal procedures of the institutions involved in the legislative process. Internal procedure is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website.

Irregularity type

This code list refers generally to the types of irregularities described in Section 2 of the Annex to the Commission Decision C(2019) 3452.

Label type

The Label type authority table is a controlled vocabulary providing the various forms of labels that are considered alternative labels in the SKOS format. Label type is an internal table at the Publications Office of the European Union.

It is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website.


Language is a controlled vocabulary that lists world languages and language varieties, including sign languages. Its main purpose is to support activities associated with the publication process. The full set of languages contains more than 8000 language varieties, each identified by a code equivalent to the ISO 639-3 code. Concepts are aligned with the ISO 639 international standard, which is issued in several parts:

ISO 639-1 contains strictly two alphabetic letters (alpha-2),

ISO 639-2/B (B = bibliographic) is used for bibliographic purpose (alpha-3),

ISO 639-2/T (T = terminology) is used for technical purpose (alpha-3),

ISO 639-3 covers all the languages and macro-languages of the world (alpha-3); the values are compliant with ISO 639-2/T.

If an authority code is needed for a language without an assigned ISO code, an alphanumeric code is created to avoid confusion with the strictly alphabetic ISO codes. Labels are provided in all 24 official EU languages for the most frequently used languages.

Language is under governance of the Interinstitutional Metadata and Formats Committee (IMFC). It is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website. It is a corporate reference data asset covered by the Corporate Reference Data Management policy of the European Commission.

Legal act domain

The Legal act domain authority file lists the various abbreviations of domains such as EC, EU, Euratom and CFSP, representing the sphere of action of the European Union and its predecessors, and used for numbering of EU legal acts. These domains have changed over the years as new treaties and amendments to the Treaties have been adopted. This authority file was created to be used by EUR-Lex and Cellar. It provides an authority code, the start date and end date, if applicable, of each domain and labels in all official EU languages. 

The Legal act domain authority file is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on EU Vocabularies website. 

Legal basis

This table provides the legal basis  based on the legal acts  used for a given public procurement procedure. The table is provided by the Publications Office.

Legal date
Legal date OP
Legal proceeding

The Legal proceeding authority table (AT) presents concepts relating to different legal remedies available to an applicant before the EU Courts (Articles 260, 263, 268 and 270 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union). The Legal proceeding AT is used together with the Legal proceeding result (procresult) AT. The Legal proceeding AT provides an authority code and the start-use date of each concept and labels in all official EU languages. The concepts are used for the production of reports of cases before the Court and to publish the case-law on the EUR-Lex site. The Legal proceeding AT is used in an IMMC extension for which only one institution is the source (Court of Justice). It is updated in coordination with the Court of Justice of the European Union and maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.

Legal proceeding result
This table presents concepts relating to the results of a case or procedure following the delivery of the decision. They are to be used together with the table of proceedings.

More detailed information can be consulted in the Rules of Procedure of these courts, available on the website of the Court of Justice of the European Union:

These concepts are used for the production of reports of cases before the Court and to publish the case-law on the EUR-Lex site:

The concepts are put in alphabetical order. The columns featuring can be displayed in descending or ascending order.
Legal proceeding type
This table provides the three different types of legal proceedings at the Court of Justice.
Legislative priority

The Legislative priority authority table (AT) is a controlled vocabulary that lists legislative priorities that are agreed between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission in the joint declarations on legislative priorities. This AT is a simple code list with non-human readable codes that provides the labels of all legislative priorities in 24 languages. It was created for the needs of the Joint Legislative Portal (JLP). The Legislative priority AT is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.


The Licence authority table is a controlled vocabulary listing the European Commission Reuse Notice and the European Union Public Licences. It also provides a list of standard licences available internationally, including the Creative Commons licences. It gives an authority code and labels in most official EU languages. Licence is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website. It is a corporate reference data asset covered by the Corporate Reference Data Management policy of the European Commission.

Licence domain

The Licence domain authority table (AT) is a controlled vocabulary providing a list of domains. All values are used for encoding the classification of licences in the Licence AT. The Licence domain AT is thus a technical authority table. It is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website. 

Main activity

This table provides the list of main activities of the buyers.

The codes associated with contracting authorities are derived from the top level of the Classification of the functions of the government (COFOG) from the United Nations Statistics Division.

The codes associated with contracting entities are derived from sectors explicitly falling within the sectoral directive (2014/25/EU Art. 8 - Art. 14).

Measurement unit

The Measurement unit authority table is a controlled vocabulary listing units of measurement with their authority codes. The labels and symbols are given in all official EU languages. If available, the codes are based on the code list recommendation N°. 20 "Codes for Units of Measure Used in International Trade" (as revised periodically) maintained and published by UNECE through its Center for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT). Measurement unit is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website. 


The Meeting authority table (AT) is a controlled vocabulary that lists meetings that are described and/or required by interinstitutional procedures or the rules of procedure of an institutional stakeholder. It was created to provide canonical labels in 24 languages and a set of parametrized labels that serve as templates to be completed with actual metadata (e.g. number of the meeting, date of the meeting, corporate body holding the meeting) to form the title of a specific meeting instance. The Meeting AT is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.

Membership classification

The membership-classification authority table is a controlled vocabulary providing a list of politico-economic units for classifying countries, localities or languages.  It focuses mainly on units with European relevance. This authority table is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union in the Metadata Registry (EU Vocabularies website). 

Missing info submission

This table provides the list of codes indicating whether tenderer-related information (complete or partial) can be supplemented even after the submission deadline.

Modification justification

This table provides the main reasons for modifying a contract within the domain of public procurement.

Modification type

The Modification type authority table (AT) is a controlled vocabulary providing a list of modifications to a legal act resulting from the instructions in a modifying act or corrigendum. It is used by EUR-Lex and AKN4EU, among others. The Modification type AT provides an authority code and the start-use date for each concept. It is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website. 


Multilingual is a controlled vocabulary that lists concepts associated with cataloguing to support activities rellated to the publication process. The concepts included are correlated with the need to identify different multilingual language combinations. 

The EU publications use two-character codes, the first two positions of the three-character controlled vocabulary. The codes are alphanumeric in order to avoid confusion with ISO language codes, which are strictly alphabetical.

Multilingual is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website.

Non award justification

This table provides the list of reasons of the buyer for not choosing a winner in the procurement procedure.

Non publication justification

This table provides codes and values for the main reasons for not immediately publishing a notice within the context of public procurement.

Notation type

Notation type is a controlled vocabulary listing notation types used in the controlled vocabularies and in the context of DCAT-AP (a specification based on W3C Data Catalogue vocabulary). It is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website. 


Notice type

This table provides a list of public procurement notices  according to procurement legislation  published once a project is approved.



The Number authority table (AT) is a controlled vocabulary listing a set of cardinal and ordinal numbers in the 24 official languages of the EU. It is mainly used for numbering the issues. It contains numbers from 1 to 31, decimals from 40 to 100 and some bigger round numbers. In addition to a reference either to CAR (cardinal) or ORD (ordinal), the authority code contains the number itself. The Number AT is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website. 

Number fixed

This table provides the codes linked to fix values within the context of public procurement.

Number threshold

This table provides the codes linked to the type of threshold values within the context of public procurement.

Number type
The Number type NAL provides the grammatical distinctions of numerals. The grammar distinguishes between cardinal and ordinal numbers.
Number weight

This table provides the codes linked to the type of weight values used in award criteria within the context of public procurement.

Organisation role

This table provides the list of the different  functions of the organisations in a procurement procedure.

Organisation subrole

This table provides the list of the different  sub-functions of the organisations in a procurement procedure.

Organization type

The Organization type authority table is a controlled vocabulary listing various types of organisations. It is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website.

Other place service

This table provides the broad geopolitical areas linked to the location of works and the place of performance or delivery within the context of public procurement.


This table provides the codes linked to the different values of permission and/or obligation. 

Physical dimension

Physical dimension is a controlled vocabularies providing values that describe the sizes of printing paper used or the actual physical size of a bibliographic item. It is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website.


Place is a controlled vocabulary listing concepts associated with the localities of the world. It provides authority codes that are based on UN/LOCODE codes. Place uses the classification (membership classification) and the authority codes of the Countries and territories. Place also provides ISO 3166-2 codes, as well as geographical coordinates. The European capitals of culture are also included. The original name of each locality is indicated. Corporate body uses Place to identify the seat of each concept (LOC_id), and Site uses it to identify the location of each site (loc_code). It is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website.

Planned availability

The Planned availability authority table is a controlled vocabulary specifying planned availability of DCAT-AP defined resources, namely distribution, dataset and data service. The list, originally included in the DCAT-AP standard as means to describe availability of DCAT distributions, is managed by the EU Vocabularies team of the Publications Office on the EU Vocabularies website. 

The Planned availability authority table is updated based on the stakeholders' needs.

Contributions to it are accepted following a review made by EU Vocabularies team of the Publications Office of the EU.


Position grade

This table provides the function groups and grades of the staff employed by the European institutions, bodies or agencies. 

Officials and temporary agents are classed into function groups according to the nature of their duties: administrator (AD), assistant (AST), Secretary and clerk (AST/SC). 

- The AD function group comprises 12 grades corresponding to management, planning and research, scientific and linguistic functions;

- The AST function group comprises 11 grades which correspond to executive and technical functions;

- The AST/SC function group, comprises 6 grades which correspond to secretarial and clerical functions.

Contract staff is subdivided into four function groups corresponding to the duties to be performed. Each function group is subdivided into grades.

- Function group IV comprises grade 13 to 18 and preform administrative, advisory, linguistic and equivalent technical tasks, performed under the supervision of officials or temporary staff.

- Function Group III comprises grade 8 to 12 and preform executive tasks, drafting, accountancy and other equivalent technical tasks, performed under the supervision of officials or temporary staff.

- Function group II comprises grade 4 to 7 and preform clerical and secretarial tasks, office management and other equivalent tasks, performed under the supervision of officials or temporary staff.

- Function group I comprises grade 1 to 3 and preform manual and administrative support service tasks, performed under the supervision of officials or temporary staff.

The legal framework is provided in the Staff Regulations of Officials (EUSR), ANNEX 1 "Types of posts in each function group, as provided for in Article 5(4)" ( and the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Economic Community and the European Atomic Energy Community (CEOS). The grading of Contract Agents and Auxiliary Contract Agents is regulated in Article 80(2) of the CEOS. 

Position status

This authority table provides the position status of the staff employed by the EU institutions, bodies or agencies as used in the EU Whoiswho. 

Position type

This authority table provides the list of possible types of position of the staff employed by the EU institutions, bodies or agencies. It has been developed specifically for the EU budget as Linked Open Data project.

Procedure nature

The Procedure nature authority table is a controlled vocabulary providing a classification of procedures applicable to the adoption of legislation and other acts by the institutions of the European Union as defined by the treaties. It provides an authority code, the start-use date and a description for each concept. The Procedure nature authority table is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.


Procedure phase

The Procedure phase authority table is a controlled vocabulary listing phases of various decisional processes. It was originally created for AKN4EU specifications concerning documents pertaining to the ordinary legislative procedure, but it can be used for other purposes in the future, as a reference for phases of procedures of all nature – non legislative, legislative, internal, interinstitutional and judicial. It is part of the exchange between the institutions involved in the legal decision making process and the Publications Office of the European Union. It provides an authority code and the start-use date and a definition of each concept. The Procedure phase authority table is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website. 

Procurement of innovation

This table provides the codes and values used for innovative works, supplies or services being bought.

Procurement procedure type

This table provides a list of procurement procedures defined by law that lead to the conclusion of public contracts.


Product form

The Product form authority table provides the various product forms published at the Publications Office, mainly those related to the general publications (brochures, leaflets, …), and the EU Open Data Portal (ODP). The Product form authority table is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website.

Product status

The Product status authority table is a controlled vocabulary providing possible statuses of a product.It has been developed specifically for the Linked Data Solutions (LDS) project. 

The Product status authority table is updated based on the stakeholders' needs.

Contributions to it are accepted following a review made by the EU Vocabularies team of the Publications Office of the EU.

The Product status authority table is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.

Public event type

The public event type table defines public events that happen at a particular place and time, are organised by an agent for a particular purpose, and are of interest to a general audience. This definition excludes natural events such as earthquakes or hurricanes. The public event type table is a controlled vocabulary under governance of DG COMM and published by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.

Publication accessibility

The Publication accessibility authority table is a controlled vocabulary which provides a list of terms describing assistive features and/or adaptations to improve the accessibility of publications for particular needs of some audiences.  The list is managed by the EU Vocabularies team of the Publications Office on the EU Vocabularies website. 

The Publication accessibility  authority table is updated based on the stakeholders' needs.

Contributions to it are accepted following a review made by EU Vocabularies team of the Publications Office of the EU.

Publication theme

This authority table provides the various themes used for the general publications.

Received submission type

This table provides the list of relevant categories used to classify tenders or requests to participate received within the context of public procurement.


The Regularity authority table is a controlled vocabulary which provides values for describing the publisher’s intention on the regularity of a given continuing resource. The concepts are based on MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data and MARC 21 codes are given as a mapping.

The Regularity authority table is maintained by the Publications Office of the EU and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website.

Remedy type

This table describes the measures taken following a review.

Requirement stage

This table describes when and whether a given requirement must be provided in a procedure.

Reserved procurement

This table provides the values used to indicate wether the participation in the procurement is reserved for specific organisations.

Resource type

Resource type is a controlled vocabulary that lists the different types of documents (directive, regulation, etc.) used for the data exchange between the European institutions involved in the legal decision-making process. It was established to harmonise the various types of documents used by different systems, particularly in the ‘Core Metadata and Extension Metadata XML schemas’. Resource type is part of the Core Metadata and is used together with the Event and Corporate body (Agent) controlled vocabularies. Together, they define an event triggered by an agent associated with a resource type. The range of users has expanded beyond the core metadata parties. Resource type is under governance of the Interinstitutional Metadata and Formats Committee (IMFC), maintained by the Publications Office of the EU and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website.


Review body type

This table covers the list of organisations providing the review of a given procedure.

Review decision type

This table describes the decision made a review body.


Role is a controlled vocabulary that lists the roles of persons or entities relevant for the descriptive metadata used at the Publications Office and the core metadata used in the data exchange between the institutions involved in the legal decision-making process. Range of users also includes EU Publications and EUR-Lex. Role provides an authority code and start-use date of each concept and labels in all official EU languages. Role is under governance of the Interinstitutional Metadata and Formats Committee (IMFC). It is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website.


Role nature

Role nature is a controlled vocabulary that provides a list of values used for encoding the attribution of roles in the Role controlled vocabulary. It is thus a technical authority table. Labels are available in English and in French. Role nature is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website.

Role qualifier

The Role qualifier is a code list that serves as a subset or refinement of the Role controlled vocabulary. This code list can be used as a pick list to refine the various roles of persons or entities in detail. The Role qualifier is updated on request and maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website. 


The Scoring authority table is a controlled vocabulary listing concepts that define the different scoring levels for the metadata quality assurance. It provides the name and definition of each concept. The table is based on a custom vocabulary of the European Data Portal. The Scoring authority table is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.








The Script authority table is a controlled vocabulary that lists concepts associated with distinctive scripts.

Its main scope is to support activities associated with publication process.

The concepts included are correlated with the ISO 15924 international standard.

Each script is instantiated according to a writing system, described in writing-system authority table.

The Script authority table is updated based on the stakeholders' needs.

Contributions to it are accepted following a review made by EU Vocabularies team of the Publications Office of the EU.

The Script authority table is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website.

Selection criterion

This table provides the list of condictions that are concerned for evaluation purposes. In the domain of public procurement, selection criteria are normally based on a specific legal framework. This codelist is a subset of the ESPD codelist CriterionTaxonomy. 

Semantic technology

The Semantic technology authority table is a controlled vocabulary providing possible technologies used in the semantic web.It has been developed specifically for the Linked Data Solutions (LDS) project. It uses the acronyms of the technologies as preferred labels as these technologies are more known by the acronyms than by their long labels. The concepts are linked to their respective standards, specifications or recommendations.

The Semantic technology authority table is updated based on the stakeholders' needs.

Contributions to it are accepted following a review made by the EU Vocabularies team of the Publications Office of the EU.

The Semantic technology authority table is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.


The Site authority table provides the sites occupied by the various EU institutions and bodies. Site is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website.


Social objective

This table provides the values  linked to any social objective  promoted by the technical specifications, award criteria, selection criteria or contract performance conditions included in a procurement.

Strategic priority
The Strategic priority authority table (AT) is a controlled vocabulary listing concepts that indicate strategic priorities of an institution. It was created for listing the strategic priorities 2019-2024 of the European Commission, but it can be used to list the strategic priorities of all institutions. The table provides the name, authority code, start-use date and definition of each concept. The Strategic priority AT is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website. OP
Strategic procurement

This table provides the information about whether a procurement aims to reduce environmental impact, fulfil social objectives and/or buy innovative works, supplies or services. These condictions are achived via either technical specifications, selection criteria, award criteria and contract terms.

Subcontracting indication

This table provides the list of codes and values used to indicate information regarding the share of parts of a contract to third parties. The share may refer to the portion of work, services or supplies and/or to the subject matter being subcontracted.

Subcontracting obligation

This table provides the list of codes and values used for the obligation of the economic operator of sharing parts of the original contract to third parties. The share may refer to the portion of work, services or supplies.


The Subdivision authority table is a controlled vocabulary providing the subdivisions of acts used for legal citations. It also lists the parts of the corrigenda. Subdivision is part of the Core Metadata used in the exchange between the institutions involved in the legal decision making process and the Publications Office of the European Union. It is used by Akoma Ntoso for EU, FORMEX, ELI and EUR-Lex for identifying divisions in a text. It provides an authority code and labels in all official EU languages. Subdivision is under governance of the Interinstitutional Metadata and Formats Committee (IMFC), maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website. 

Subdivision content

The Subdivision content authority table is a controlled vocabulary listing concepts that indicate specific content of text divisions. It was created by the Publications Office for the development of AKN4EU specifications, which concern documents exchanged between the EU Institutions involved in the legal decision making process and sent to the Publication Office for publication. It provides the name, authority code, start-use date and definition of each concept. Subdivision content is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website.

Subdivision position

The Subdivision position authority table (AT) provides the possible positions in the subdivisions of acts with the respective authority codes. These positions are used for the consolidation of legislation. The Subdivision position authority table is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website. 

Subject matter

Subject matter is a controlled vocabulary that shows the concepts used for the indexation of notices published on EUR-Lex. It has been extended to show the concepts that provide the legal framework of the European Central Bank and the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland. The newest extension is Themes in focus. Subject matter is part of the Core Metadata used in the exchange between the institutions involved in the legal decision making process and the Publications Office of the European Union. It is under governance of the Interinstitutional Metadata and Formats Committee (IMFC), maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website. 

The subject matter classification exists in parallel with two other classifications: the Directory of European Union Legislation and EuroVoc. Differently from these, the subject matter classification is strictly aligned with the evolution of the European Union policies cited in the different treaties of the European Union that can be consulted at: 

Summaries of EU legislation classification

The Summaries of EU legislation classification authority table is a controlled vocabulary providing the classification used in the summaries of EU legislation and introductory texts. It is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website. 

Target audience

Target audience is a controlled vocabulary that lists the target audiences used for the general publications. It is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website. It is a corporate reference data asset covered by the Corporate Reference Data Management policy of the European Commission.

Target audience age group
Target audience age group OP
Time period

The Time-period authority table is a controlled vocabulary which lists the periods of time in the 24 official languages of the EU. It enumerates the names of the seasons, months, weekdays and the main units of time when the issues are published. It also contains concepts for ‘unlimited’ or ‘unknown’ time periods.

The Time-period authority table is maintained by the Publications Office of the EU and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website.

Transport service

This table provides a list of transport services.



The Treaty authority table (AT) is a controlled vocabulary listing the different EU treaties, including treaties and protocols, accession treaties, Schengen Convention and Charter of Fundamental Rights. The Treaty AT is part of the Core Metadata used in the exchange between the institutions involved in the legal decision-making process and the Publications Office of the European Union. It is also used by EUR-Lex. It provides an authority code, the start-use date of the concept and labels in all official EU languages. The Treaty AT is under governance of the Interinstitutional Metadata Maintenance Committee (IMMC) and maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on EU Vocabularies website. 

Treaty classification

The  treaty-classification authority table   is a controlled vocabulary listing the types of treaties of the European Union and its predecessors. The table  provides an authority code and the start-use date of each concept.  The treaty-classification authority table is  maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union in the Metadata Registry (EU Vocabularies website).


This table provides the list of codes and values indicating the application of criteria or other concepts and information.

Use context

The Use context authority table is a controlled vocabulary listing different applications and environments that make use of the various authority tables. This table is an internal table at the Publications Office of the European Union, and is maintained on the EU Vocabularies website.

Vehicle category

The category of vehicle falling within the scope of Directive 2009/33/EC.

Website identifier

The website-identifier authority table is a controlled vocabulary which provides a list of websites (URL) included in the domain and subdomains. It has been developed specifically for the EU Web Preservation project, but will be used also for many other purposes. The table contains reference to copyright of the websites.

Winner selection status

This table provides the list of codes and values used to indicate whether a tenderer was chosen to be awarded with a contract and whether the competition is open.

Writing system
The Writing system NAL provides the list of the main writing systems. They are differentiated depending on what a symbol represents inside the system.
View Name
Browse content Dataset details Access right
Browse content Dataset details Accessibility
Browse content Dataset details Address type
Browse content Dataset details Administrative territorial unit
Browse content Dataset details Administrative territorial unit type
Browse content Dataset details Applicability
Browse content Dataset details Asset classification
Browse content Dataset details Award criterion type
Browse content Dataset details Binding type
Browse content Dataset details Browser
Browse content Dataset details Buyer legal type
Browse content Dataset details COM internal consultation type
Browse content Dataset details COM internal event
Browse content Dataset details COM internal procedure
Browse content Dataset details CVD contract type
Browse content Dataset details Capital classification
Browse content Dataset details Carrier
Browse content Dataset details Case report
Browse content Dataset details Case status
Browse content Dataset details Change corrig justification
Browse content Dataset details Communication justification
Browse content Dataset details Concept status
Browse content Dataset details Confidentiality level
Browse content Dataset details Continent
Browse content Dataset details Contract detail
Browse content Dataset details Contract nature
Browse content Dataset details Corporate body
Browse content Dataset details Corporate body classification
Browse content Dataset details Correction status
Browse content Dataset details Countries and territories
Browse content Dataset details Court type
Browse content Dataset details Crawler
Browse content Dataset details Criterion
Browse content Dataset details Currency
Browse content Dataset details Customer service
Browse content Dataset details DPS usage
Browse content Dataset details Data service type
Browse content Dataset details Data theme
Browse content Dataset details Dataset status
Browse content Dataset details Dataset type
Browse content Dataset details Direct award justification
Browse content Dataset details Directory of EU legal acts
Browse content Dataset details Dissemination status
Browse content Dataset details Distribution status
Browse content Dataset details Distribution type
Browse content Dataset details Document collection
Browse content Dataset details Document identifier format
Browse content Dataset details Document reference content type
Browse content Dataset details Document used in Public Procurement
Browse content Dataset details Documentation type
Browse content Dataset details EU budget amount status
Browse content Dataset details EU budget stage
Browse content Dataset details EU budget status
Browse content Dataset details EU political leader name
Browse content Dataset details EU programme
Browse content Dataset details Economic operator role
Browse content Dataset details Economic operator size
Browse content Dataset details Encoding level
Browse content Dataset details Environmental impact
Browse content Dataset details Event
Browse content Dataset details Event status
Browse content Dataset details Exclusion Ground
Browse content Dataset details FD_Table555
Browse content Dataset details Fd 380
Browse content Dataset details Fd_603
Browse content Dataset details File status
Browse content Dataset details File type
Browse content Dataset details Foreign Subsidy Measure Conclusion
Browse content Dataset details Form type
Browse content Dataset details Formation of the Court
Browse content Dataset details Framework agreement
Browse content Dataset details Frequency
Browse content Dataset details Grammatical alternation
Browse content Dataset details Grammatical consciousness
Browse content Dataset details Grammatical gender
Browse content Dataset details Grammatical number
Browse content Dataset details Green Public Procurement Criteria
Browse content Dataset details Honorific
Browse content Dataset details Human sex
Browse content Dataset details Illustrative content
Browse content Dataset details Interinstitutional procedure
Browse content Dataset details Internal procedure
Browse content Dataset details Irregularity type
Browse content Dataset details Label type
Browse content Dataset details Language
Browse content Dataset details Legal act domain
Browse content Dataset details Legal basis
Browse content Dataset details Legal date
Browse content Dataset details Legal proceeding
Browse content Dataset details Legal proceeding result
Browse content Dataset details Legal proceeding type
Browse content Dataset details Legislative priority
Browse content Dataset details Licence
Browse content Dataset details Licence domain
Browse content Dataset details Main activity
Browse content Dataset details Measurement unit
Browse content Dataset details Meeting
Browse content Dataset details Membership classification
Browse content Dataset details Missing info submission
Browse content Dataset details Modification justification
Browse content Dataset details Modification type
Browse content Dataset details Multilingual
Browse content Dataset details Non award justification
Browse content Dataset details Non publication justification
Browse content Dataset details Notation type
Browse content Dataset details Notice type
Browse content Dataset details Number
Browse content Dataset details Number fixed
Browse content Dataset details Number threshold
Browse content Dataset details Number type
Browse content Dataset details Number weight
Browse content Dataset details Organisation role
Browse content Dataset details Organisation subrole
Browse content Dataset details Organization type
Browse content Dataset details Other place service
Browse content Dataset details Permission
Browse content Dataset details Physical dimension
Browse content Dataset details Place
Browse content Dataset details Planned availability
Browse content Dataset details Position grade
Browse content Dataset details Position status
Browse content Dataset details Position type
Browse content Dataset details Procedure nature
Browse content Dataset details Procedure phase
Browse content Dataset details Procurement of innovation
Browse content Dataset details Procurement procedure type
Browse content Dataset details Product form
Browse content Dataset details Product status
Browse content Dataset details Public event type
Browse content Dataset details Publication accessibility
Browse content Dataset details Publication theme
Browse content Dataset details Received submission type
Browse content Dataset details Regularity
Browse content Dataset details Remedy type
Browse content Dataset details Requirement stage
Browse content Dataset details Reserved procurement
Browse content Dataset details Resource type
Browse content Dataset details Review body type
Browse content Dataset details Review decision type
Browse content Dataset details Role
Browse content Dataset details Role nature
Browse content Dataset details Role qualifier
Browse content Dataset details Scoring
Browse content Dataset details Script
Browse content Dataset details Selection criterion
Browse content Dataset details Semantic technology
Browse content Dataset details Site
Browse content Dataset details Social objective
Browse content Dataset details Strategic priority
Browse content Dataset details Strategic procurement
Browse content Dataset details Subcontracting indication
Browse content Dataset details Subcontracting obligation
Browse content Dataset details Subdivision
Browse content Dataset details Subdivision content
Browse content Dataset details Subdivision position
Browse content Dataset details Subject matter
Browse content Dataset details Summaries of EU legislation classification
Browse content Dataset details Target audience
Browse content Dataset details Target audience age group
Browse content Dataset details Time period
Browse content Dataset details Transport service
Browse content Dataset details Treaty
Browse content Dataset details Treaty classification
Browse content Dataset details Usage
Browse content Dataset details Use context
Browse content Dataset details Vehicle category
Browse content Dataset details Website identifier
Browse content Dataset details Winner selection status
Browse content Dataset details Writing system