How to request a publication?
A publication can be requested via a RESTful interface, using as a criterion its linguistic version and format.
URL to request
To request a publication, the following URL must be used:{ps-name}/{ps-id}?language={dec-lang}
How to request a collection of publications?
A collection of publications can be requested via a RESTful interface.
URL to request
To request a collection of publication, the following URL must be used:{ps-name}/{ps-id}?language={dec-lang}
How to request a collection of publications?
A collection of publications can be requested via a RESTful interface.
URL to request
To request a collection of publication, the following URL must be used:{ps-name}/{ps-id}?language={dec-lang}
How to request a publication?
A publication can be requested via a RESTful interface, using as a criterion its linguistic version and format.
URL to request
To request a publication, the following URL must be used:{ps-name}/{ps-id}?language={dec-lang}
What does Cellar publish?
Cellar stores and disseminates publications of the European Union, such as the Official Journal of the EU, EU Caselaw, documents related to the Ordinary Legislative Procedure, general publications and data sets. Each publication is described by a set of metadata.
A publication can be available in different languages and different formats.
The possible available languages are the official 24 languages of the UE: Bulgarian (BUL), Spanish (SPA), Czech (CES), Danish (DAN), German (DEU), Estonian (EST), Greek (ELL), English (ENG), French (FRA), Gaelic (GLE), Croatian (HRV), Italian (ITA), Latvian (LAV), Lithuanian (LIT), Hungarian (HUN) , Maltese (MLT), Dutch (NLD), Polish (POL), Portuguese (POR), Romanian (RON), Slovak (SLK), Slovenian (SLV), Finnish (FIN) and Swedish (SWE).
Codes in parenthesis are the 3-chars ISO_639-3 language code associated for each language.
- application/epub+zip
- application/geopackage+sqlite3
- application/geo+json
- application/msword
- application/n-triples
- application/octet-stream
- application/pdf
- application/pdf;type=pdf1x
- application/pdf;type=pdf1x
- application/pdf;type=pdfa1a
- application/pdf;type=pdfa1b
- application/pdf;type=pdfa2a
- application/pdf;type=pdfa2b
- application/pdf;type=pdfa3
- application/pdf;type=pdfx
- application/pdf;type=pdfx1a
- application/pdf;type=pdfx2a
- application/pdf;type=pdfx4
- application/postscript
- application/rdf+xml
- application/rdf+xml;type=skos
- application/sgml-dtd
- application/sparql-query
- application/sparql-results+xml
- application/
- application/
- application/
- application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text
- application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation
- application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow
- application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
- application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument. wordprocessingml.document.main+xml
- application/warc
- application/x-director
- application/x-mobipocket-ebook
- application/x-netcdf
- application/xhtml+xml
- application/xhtml+xml;type=simplified
- application/xml-dtd
- application/xml
- application/xml;type=etsi
- application/xml;type=immc
- application/xml;type=mets
- application/xml;type=fmx2
- application/xml;type=fmx3
- application/xml;type=fmx4
- application/xslt+xml
- application/xslt+xml
- application/x-gzip
- application/x-hdf
- application/x-tar
- application/zip
- application/zip;type=fmx4
- application/zip;type=ipa
- application/zip;type=mets
- chemical/x-pdb
- image/bmp
- image/gif
- image/jpeg
- image/png
- image/tiff
- image/tiff-fx
- image/tiff-fx
- text/css
- text/csv
- text/html
- text/html;type=simplified
- text/javascript
- text/plain
- text/rtf
- text/sgml
- text/sgml;type=fmx2
- text/sgml;type=fmx3
- text/turtle
How to request a publication?
A publication can be requested via a RESTful interface, using as a criterion its linguistic version and format.
URL to request
To request a publication, the following URL must be used:{ps-name}/{ps-id}?language={dec-lang}
What does Cellar publish?
Cellar stores and disseminates publications of the European Union, such as the Official Journal of the EU, EU Caselaw, documents related to the Ordinary Legislative Procedure, general publications and data sets. Each publication is described by a set of metadata.
A publication can be available in different languages and different formats.
The possible available languages are the official 24 languages of the UE: Bulgarian (BUL), Spanish (SPA), Czech (CES), Danish (DAN), German (DEU), Estonian (EST), Greek (ELL), English (ENG), French (FRA), Gaelic (GLE), Croatian (HRV), Italian (ITA), Latvian (LAV), Lithuanian (LIT), Hungarian (HUN) , Maltese (MLT), Dutch (NLD), Polish (POL), Portuguese (POR), Romanian (RON), Slovak (SLK), Slovenian (SLV), Finnish (FIN) and Swedish (SWE).
Codes in parenthesis are the 3-chars ISO_639-3 language code associated for each language.
- application/epub+zip
- application/geopackage+sqlite3
- application/geo+json
- application/msword
- application/n-triples
- application/octet-stream
- application/pdf
- application/pdf;type=pdf1x
- application/pdf;type=pdf1x
- application/pdf;type=pdfa1a
- application/pdf;type=pdfa1b
- application/pdf;type=pdfa2a
- application/pdf;type=pdfa2b
- application/pdf;type=pdfa3
- application/pdf;type=pdfx
- application/pdf;type=pdfx1a
- application/pdf;type=pdfx2a
- application/pdf;type=pdfx4
- application/postscript
- application/rdf+xml
- application/rdf+xml;type=skos
- application/sgml-dtd
- application/sparql-query
- application/sparql-results+xml
- application/
- application/
- application/
- application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text
- application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation
- application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow
- application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
- application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument. wordprocessingml.document.main+xml
- application/warc
- application/x-director
- application/x-mobipocket-ebook
- application/x-netcdf
- application/xhtml+xml
- application/xhtml+xml;type=simplified
- application/xml-dtd
- application/xml
- application/xml;type=etsi
- application/xml;type=immc
- application/xml;type=mets
- application/xml;type=fmx2
- application/xml;type=fmx3
- application/xml;type=fmx4
- application/xslt+xml
- application/xslt+xml
- application/x-gzip
- application/x-hdf
- application/x-tar
- application/zip
- application/zip;type=fmx4
- application/zip;type=ipa
- application/zip;type=mets
- chemical/x-pdb
- image/bmp
- image/gif
- image/jpeg
- image/png
- image/tiff
- image/tiff-fx
- image/tiff-fx
- text/css
- text/csv
- text/html
- text/html;type=simplified
- text/javascript
- text/plain
- text/rtf
- text/sgml
- text/sgml;type=fmx2
- text/sgml;type=fmx3
- text/turtle
How to request a publication?
A publication can be requested via a RESTful interface, using as a criterion its linguistic version and format.
URL to request
To request a publication, the following URL must be used:{ps-name}/{ps-id}?language={dec-lang}
How to request a collection of publications?
A collection of publications can be requested via a RESTful interface.
URL to request
To request a collection of publication, the following URL must be used:{ps-name}/{ps-id}?language={dec-lang}
How to request a collection of publications?
A collection of publications can be requested via a RESTful interface.
URL to request
To request a collection of publication, the following URL must be used:{ps-name}/{ps-id}?language={dec-lang}
What does Cellar publish?
Cellar stores and disseminates publications of the European Union, such as the Official Journal of the EU, EU Caselaw, documents related to the Ordinary Legislative Procedure, general publications and data sets. Each publication is described by a set of metadata.
A publication can be available in different languages and different formats.
The possible available languages are the official 24 languages of the UE: Bulgarian (BUL), Spanish (SPA), Czech (CES), Danish (DAN), German (DEU), Estonian (EST), Greek (ELL), English (ENG), French (FRA), Gaelic (GLE), Croatian (HRV), Italian (ITA), Latvian (LAV), Lithuanian (LIT), Hungarian (HUN) , Maltese (MLT), Dutch (NLD), Polish (POL), Portuguese (POR), Romanian (RON), Slovak (SLK), Slovenian (SLV), Finnish (FIN) and Swedish (SWE).
Codes in parenthesis are the 3-chars ISO_639-3 language code associated for each language.
- application/epub+zip
- application/geopackage+sqlite3
- application/geo+json
- application/msword
- application/n-triples
- application/octet-stream
- application/pdf
- application/pdf;type=pdf1x
- application/pdf;type=pdf1x
- application/pdf;type=pdfa1a
- application/pdf;type=pdfa1b
- application/pdf;type=pdfa2a
- application/pdf;type=pdfa2b
- application/pdf;type=pdfa3
- application/pdf;type=pdfx
- application/pdf;type=pdfx1a
- application/pdf;type=pdfx2a
- application/pdf;type=pdfx4
- application/postscript
- application/rdf+xml
- application/rdf+xml;type=skos
- application/sgml-dtd
- application/sparql-query
- application/sparql-results+xml
- application/
- application/
- application/
- application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text
- application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation
- application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow
- application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
- application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument. wordprocessingml.document.main+xml
- application/warc
- application/x-director
- application/x-mobipocket-ebook
- application/x-netcdf
- application/xhtml+xml
- application/xhtml+xml;type=simplified
- application/xml-dtd
- application/xml
- application/xml;type=etsi
- application/xml;type=immc
- application/xml;type=mets
- application/xml;type=fmx2
- application/xml;type=fmx3
- application/xml;type=fmx4
- application/xslt+xml
- application/xslt+xml
- application/x-gzip
- application/x-hdf
- application/x-tar
- application/zip
- application/zip;type=fmx4
- application/zip;type=ipa
- application/zip;type=mets
- chemical/x-pdb
- image/bmp
- image/gif
- image/jpeg
- image/png
- image/tiff
- image/tiff-fx
- image/tiff-fx
- text/css
- text/csv
- text/html
- text/html;type=simplified
- text/javascript
- text/plain
- text/rtf
- text/sgml
- text/sgml;type=fmx2
- text/sgml;type=fmx3
- text/turtle
How to request a publication?
A publication can be requested via a RESTful interface, using as a criterion its linguistic version and format.
URL to request
To request a publication, the following URL must be used:{ps-name}/{ps-id}?language={dec-lang}
How to request a collection of publications?
A collection of publications can be requested via a RESTful interface.
URL to request
To request a collection of publication, the following URL must be used:{ps-name}/{ps-id}?language={dec-lang}
The following parameters must be specified:
- {ps-name} is a valid production system name
- {ps-id} is a valid production system id identifying a work, and compatible with its {ps-name}
The following HTTP headers must be set on the request:
- Accept:{mime-type}, where {mime-type} is a valid (or a comma-separated list of) mimetype that identifies the format of the content stream to return. Possible values are:
- application/list;mtype={manifestation-type}
- application/zip;mtype={manifestation-type}
The mtype token carries the {manifestation-type}, which must be set to the value of cdm:manifestation_type of the desired digital file (manifestation).
- Accept-Language:{acc-lang}, where {acc-lang} is a 3-chars ISO_639-3 language code identifying the accept language to use: this will be used for retrieving the correct linguistic version (expression).
Some valid requests using cURL are listed below:
curl -H 'Accept:application/zip;mtype=fmx4' -H 'Accept-Language:fra' -L |
curl -H 'Accept:application/list;mtype=fmx4' -H 'Accept-Language:fra' -L |
The response is the associated content stream files of the requested manifestation.
- zip: a zip file containing all the content stream files of the requested manifestation.
- list: an html list containing all the content stream file names of the requested manifestation.