XML request
URL to request
RDF request
URL to request
Metadata notices
In addition to the SPARQL interface, Cellar disseminates metadata about resources (called notices).
Different types of notices are disseminated:
- An object notice can be formatted in RDF or XML and includes the resource's metadata.
- A branch notice can be formatted in XML and includes:
- the work’s metadata,
- the metadata of the expression in the given content language (*), and
- all available manifestations’ metadata for that expression.
- A tree notice can be formatted in RDF or XML and includes:
- the work’s metadata,
- all available expressions’ metadata, and
- all available manifestations’ metadata for each expression.
- An identifier notice is an XML document containing the synonyms of a list of resources URIs.
Metadata notices
In addition to the SPARQL interface, Cellar disseminates metadata about resources (called notices).
Different types of notices are disseminated:
- An object notice can be formatted in RDF or XML and includes the resource's metadata.
- A branch notice can be formatted in XML and includes:
- the work’s metadata,
- the metadata of the expression in the given content language (*), and
- all available manifestations’ metadata for that expression.
- A tree notice can be formatted in RDF or XML and includes:
- the work’s metadata,
- all available expressions’ metadata, and
- all available manifestations’ metadata for each expression.
- An identifier notice is an XML document containing the synonyms of a list of resources URIs.
Identifiers request
URL to request
The following parameters must be specified:
- {ps-name} is a valid production system name
- {ps-id} is a valid production system id identifying a work, and compatible with its {ps-name}
The following HTTP headers may be set on the request:
For a given resource:- Accept:application/xml;notice=identifiers.
Retrieve the identifiers notice, where the Cellar identifier is b84f49cd750f-11e3-8e20-01aa75ed71a1.
curl -H 'Accept:application/xml;notice=identifiers' http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b84f49cd750f-11e3-8e20-01aa75ed71a1 -L |
Retrieve the identifiers notice, where the production system name is celex and the production system id is 32014R0001.FRA.print.
curl -H 'Accept:application/xml;notice=identifiers' http://publications.europa.eu/resource/celex/32014R0001.FRA.print -L |
Retrieve the identifiers notice, where the production system name is oj and the production system id is JOL_2014_001_R_0001_01.FRA.fmx4.L_2014001FR.01000101.xml.
curl -H 'Accept:application/xml;notice=identifiers' http://publications.europa.eu/resource/oj/JOL_2014_001_R_0001_01.FRA.fmx4.L_2014001FR.01000101.xml -L |
Retrieve the identifiers notice, where the production system name is oj and the production system id is JOL_2006_088_R_0063_01.FRA.fmx4.L_2006088FR.01006301.xml.
curl -H 'Accept:application/xml;notice=identifiers' http://publications.europa.eu/resource/oj/JOL_2006_088_R_0063_01.FRA.fmx4.L_2006088FR.01006301.xml -L |
Retrieve the identifiers notice, where the production system name is pegase and the production system id is 11260.12796.
curl -H 'Accept:application/xml;notice=identifiers' http://publications.europa.eu/resource/pegase/11260.12796 -L |
RDF request
URL to request
The following parameters must be specified:
- {ps-name} is a valid production system name
- {ps-id} is a valid production system id identifying a work, and compatible with its {ps-name}
The following HTTP headers may be set on the request:
For a given resource:- Accept:application/rdf+xml. In this case, the resulting RDF notice will contain the direct and inferred triples.
- Accept:application/rdf+xml;notice=non-inferred. In this case, the inferred triples will be excluded from the resulting RDF notice.
- Negotiate:vlist. If it is present, the response will include an Alternates header, indicating all alternative representations of the returned object. Currently, this header is supported only for requests on manifestation level.
- Accept:application/rdf+xml;notice=tree In this case, the resulting RDF notice will contain the direct and inferred triples.
- Accept:application/rdf+xml;notice=non-inferred-tree
If the Accept header is not present, * or */* and the production identifier matches a WEMI object, it will behave like if set to Accept:application/rdf+xml
Retrieve the RDF object non-inferred notice, where the Cellar identifier is b84f49cd-750f-11e3-8e20-01aa75ed71a1.
curl -H 'Accept:application/rdf+xml;notice=non-inferred' http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b84f49cd-750f-11e3-8e20-01aa75ed71a1 -L |
Retrieve the RDF object inferred notice where the Cellar identifier is b84f49cd-750f-11e3-8e20-01aa75ed71a1.
curl -H 'Accept:application/rdf+xml' http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b84f49cd-750f-11e3-8e20-01aa75ed71a1 -L |
Retrieve the RDF object non-inferred notice, where the production system name is celex and the production system id is 32014R0001.
curl -H 'Accept:application/rdf+xml;notice=non-inferred' http://publications.europa.eu/resource/celex/32014R0001 -L |
Retrieve the RDF tree non-inferred notice, where the production system name is celex and the production system id is 32014R0001.
curl -H 'Accept:application/rdf+xml;notice=non-inferred-tree' http://publications.europa.eu/resource/celex/32014R0001 -L |
Retrieve the RDF tree inferred notice, where the production system name is celex and the production system id is 32014R0001.
curl -H 'Accept:application/rdf+xml;notice=tree' http://publications.europa.eu/resource/celex/32014R0001 -L |
XML request
URL to request
The following parameters must be specified:
- {ps-name} is a valid production system name
- {ps-id} is a valid production system id identifying a work, and compatible with its {ps-name}
- {dec-lang} is a 3-chars ISO_639-3 language code identifying the decoding language to use: this is the language used for decoding the NALs associated to the notice. If decoding language is not available, the default value defined in the configuration is used.
- {in_notice-only} is an optional boolean that indicates if the notice contains only the properties annotated with in_notice
The following HTTP headers may be set on the request:
For a given resource:
- Accept:application/xml;notice={type} where type could be work, branch or object.
- Accept-Language:{acc-lang}, where {acc-lang} is a 3-chars ISO_639- 3 language code identifying the accept language to use: this will be used for retrieving the correct expression. This header is supported only for requests where the notice type is branch.
For {dec-lang} and {acc-lang}, the possible available languages are the official 24 languages of the UE: Bulgarian (BUL), Spanish (SPA), Czech (CES), Danish (DAN), German (DEU), Estonian (EST), Greek (ELL), English (ENG), French (FRA), Gaelic (GLE), Croatian (HRV), Italian (ITA), Latvian (LAV), Lithuanian (LIT), Hungarian (HUN) , Maltese (MLT), Dutch (NLD), Polish (POL), Portuguese (POR), Romanian (RON), Slovak (SLK), Slovenian (SLV), Finnish (FIN) and Swedish (SWE).
Codes in parenthesis are the 3-chars ISO_639-3 language code associated for each language.
Retrieve the xml branch notice corresponding to the French expression where the decoding is in English and the Cellar identifier is b84f49cd-750f-11e3-8e20-01aa75ed71a1:
curl -H 'Accept:application/xml;notice=branch' -H 'Accept-Language:fra' http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b84f49cd-750f-11e3-8e20-01aa75ed71a1?language=eng -L |
Retrieve the xml object notice corresponding where the decoding is in english, the production system name is oj and the production system identifier is JOL_2014_001_R_0001_01:
curl -H 'Accept:application/xml;notice=object' http://publications.europa.eu/resource/oj/JOL_2014_001_R_0001_01?language=eng -L |
Retrieve the xml tree notice corresponding where the decoding is in english, the production system name is celex and the production system identifier is 32014R0001:
curl -H 'Accept:application/rdf+xml;notice=tree' http://publications.europa.eu/resource/celex/32014R0001 -L |