Publications Office of the EU
Metadata notices - Cellar
Metadata notices XML request

XML request

URL to request{ps-name}/{ps-id}?language={dec-lang}&filter={in_notice-only}

Metadata notices rdf

RDF request

URL to request{ps-name}/{ps-id}

Notices intro

Metadata notices

In addition to the SPARQL interface, Cellar disseminates metadata about resources (called notices).

Different types of notices are disseminated:

  • An object notice can be formatted in RDF or XML and includes the resource's metadata.
  • A branch notice can be formatted in XML and includes:
    • the work’s metadata,
    • the metadata of the expression in the given content language (*), and
    • all available manifestations’ metadata for that expression.
  • A tree notice can be formatted in RDF or XML and includes:
    • the work’s metadata,
    • all available expressions’ metadata, and
    • all available manifestations’ metadata for each expression.
  • An identifier notice is an XML document containing the synonyms of a list of resources URIs.
Notices intro

Metadata notices

In addition to the SPARQL interface, Cellar disseminates metadata about resources (called notices).

Different types of notices are disseminated:

  • An object notice can be formatted in RDF or XML and includes the resource's metadata.
  • A branch notice can be formatted in XML and includes:
    • the work’s metadata,
    • the metadata of the expression in the given content language (*), and
    • all available manifestations’ metadata for that expression.
  • A tree notice can be formatted in RDF or XML and includes:
    • the work’s metadata,
    • all available expressions’ metadata, and
    • all available manifestations’ metadata for each expression.
  • An identifier notice is an XML document containing the synonyms of a list of resources URIs.
identifiers notices

Identifiers request

URL to request{ps-name}/{ps-id}

Asset Publisher

The following parameters must be specified:

  • {ps-name} is a valid production system name
  • {ps-id} is a valid production system id identifying a work, and compatible with its {ps-name}

The following HTTP headers may be set on the request:

For a given resource:
  • Accept:application/xml;notice=identifiers.

Retrieve the identifiers notice, where the Cellar identifier is b84f49cd750f-11e3-8e20-01aa75ed71a1.

curl -H 'Accept:application/xml;notice=identifiers' -L

Retrieve the identifiers notice, where the production system name is celex and the production system id is 32014R0001.FRA.print.

curl -H 'Accept:application/xml;notice=identifiers' -L

Retrieve the identifiers notice, where the production system name is oj and the production system id is JOL_2014_001_R_0001_01.FRA.fmx4.L_2014001FR.01000101.xml.

curl -H 'Accept:application/xml;notice=identifiers' -L

Retrieve the identifiers notice, where the production system name is oj and the production system id is JOL_2006_088_R_0063_01.FRA.fmx4.L_2006088FR.01006301.xml.

curl -H 'Accept:application/xml;notice=identifiers' -L

Retrieve the identifiers notice, where the production system name is pegase and the production system id is 11260.12796.

curl -H 'Accept:application/xml;notice=identifiers' -L
Metadata notices rdf

RDF request

URL to request{ps-name}/{ps-id}

Asset Publisher

The following parameters must be specified:

  • {ps-name} is a valid production system name
  • {ps-id} is a valid production system id identifying a work, and compatible with its {ps-name}

The following HTTP headers may be set on the request:

For a given resource:
  • Accept:application/rdf+xml. In this case, the resulting RDF notice will contain the direct and inferred triples.
  • Accept:application/rdf+xml;notice=non-inferred. In this case, the inferred triples will be excluded from the resulting RDF notice.
  • Negotiate:vlist. If it is present, the response will include an Alternates header, indicating all alternative representations of the returned object. Currently, this header is supported only for requests on manifestation level.
For a tree notice where the resource is the root of a WEMI hierarchy:
  • Accept:application/rdf+xml;notice=tree In this case, the resulting RDF notice will contain the direct and inferred triples.
  • Accept:application/rdf+xml;notice=non-inferred-tree

If the Accept header is not present, * or */* and the production identifier matches a WEMI object, it will behave like if set to Accept:application/rdf+xml

Retrieve the RDF object non-inferred notice, where the Cellar identifier is b84f49cd-750f-11e3-8e20-01aa75ed71a1.

curl -H 'Accept:application/rdf+xml;notice=non-inferred' -L

Retrieve the RDF object inferred notice where the Cellar identifier is b84f49cd-750f-11e3-8e20-01aa75ed71a1.

curl -H 'Accept:application/rdf+xml' -L

Retrieve the RDF object non-inferred notice, where the production system name is celex and the production system id is 32014R0001.

curl -H 'Accept:application/rdf+xml;notice=non-inferred' -L

Retrieve the RDF tree non-inferred notice, where the production system name is celex and the production system id is 32014R0001.

curl -H 'Accept:application/rdf+xml;notice=non-inferred-tree' -L

Retrieve the RDF tree inferred notice, where the production system name is celex and the production system id is 32014R0001.

curl -H 'Accept:application/rdf+xml;notice=tree' -L
Metadata notices XML request

XML request

URL to request{ps-name}/{ps-id}?language={dec-lang}&filter={in_notice-only}

Asset Publisher

The following parameters must be specified:

  • {ps-name} is a valid production system name
  • {ps-id} is a valid production system id identifying a work, and compatible with its {ps-name}
  • {dec-lang} is a 3-chars ISO_639-3 language code identifying the decoding language to use: this is the language used for decoding the NALs associated to the notice. If decoding language is not available, the default value defined in the configuration is used.
  • {in_notice-only} is an optional boolean that indicates if the notice contains only the properties annotated with in_notice

The following HTTP headers may be set on the request:

For a given resource:

  • Accept:application/xml;notice={type} where type could be work, branch or object.
  • Accept-Language:{acc-lang}, where {acc-lang} is a 3-chars ISO_639- 3 language code identifying the accept language to use: this will be used for retrieving the correct expression. This header is supported only for requests where the notice type is branch.

For {dec-lang} and {acc-lang}, the possible available languages are the official 24 languages of the UE: Bulgarian (BUL), Spanish (SPA), Czech (CES), Danish (DAN), German (DEU), Estonian (EST), Greek (ELL), English (ENG), French (FRA), Gaelic (GLE), Croatian (HRV), Italian (ITA), Latvian (LAV), Lithuanian (LIT), Hungarian (HUN) , Maltese (MLT), Dutch (NLD), Polish (POL), Portuguese (POR), Romanian (RON), Slovak (SLK), Slovenian (SLV), Finnish (FIN) and Swedish (SWE).
Codes in parenthesis are the 3-chars ISO_639-3 language code associated for each language.

Retrieve the xml branch notice corresponding to the French expression where the decoding is in English and the Cellar identifier is b84f49cd-750f-11e3-8e20-01aa75ed71a1:

curl -H 'Accept:application/xml;notice=branch' -H 'Accept-Language:fra' -L

Retrieve the xml object notice corresponding where the decoding is in english, the production system name is oj and the production system identifier is JOL_2014_001_R_0001_01:

curl -H 'Accept:application/xml;notice=object' -L

Retrieve the xml tree notice corresponding where the decoding is in english, the production system name is celex and the production system identifier is 32014R0001:

curl -H 'Accept:application/rdf+xml;notice=tree' -L