Publications Office of the EU
Knowledge graph - Cellar
Knowledge graph intro

Knowledge Graph


The CELLAR is the common repository of content managed by the Publications Office. It contains the files and the metadata of various collections of documents:


Cellar interface is publicly accessible. Cellar documentation provides information and examples on how to access content files and metadata from the Cellar. Though it is open to all citizens, this document is addressed mainly to developers and companies who want to automatize their access to legal documents and publications published by OP.

What is cellar

Knowledge graph

Cellar metadata is stored in a knowledge graph, and more specifically in a triple store. A SPARQL interface is used to query the metadata. 

Tools to query the knowledge graph

Users oriented tools

The Publications Office provides several tools that allow users to access directly the metadata or the publications stored in Cellar.

Linked Data query wizard available in OP Portal

The wizard guide users through several steps to create a Linked Data query:

  • Select metadata to be displayed
  • Define conditions
  • Customize results
  • Execute query

Through the Advanced SPARQL Query Editor available in portal

The EU Law and Publications Portal ( allows end users to access collections through the the Flint SPARQL editor.

Using directly the Cellar SPARQL interface

The SPARQL interface of Cellar is accessible on

The SPARQL interface allows to query Cellar metadata with SPARQL language thanks to the Common Metadata Model (CDM).

Extracting publications and metadata from Cellar

The complete metadata associated with a work can be extracted in XML or RDF format using the Cellar dissemination RESTFul interface. More details are given in the metadata page. SPARQL queries can also be used for this purpose. You can customize your SPARQL query depending of what you want. This section give you some concrete examples.

On the client applications, specific processing logic must be implemented to link work, expressions and manifestations based on the relations and values from XML.
The same information can be obtained using SPARQL and cellar SPARQL interface ( This SPARQL query retrieves work Cellar Id, expression Cellar Id, manifestation Cellar Id, item Cellar Id, language code and format. The URLs from ?item column of the result set represent the download links.

Asset Publisher

prefix cdm: <>
prefix purl: <>
select distinct ?work, ?expr, ?manif, ?langCode, str(?format) as ?format, ?item
where {
?work owl:sameAs <> .
?expr cdm:expression_belongs_to_work ?work ;
cdm:expression_uses_language ?lang .
?lang purl:identifier ?langCode .
?manif cdm:manifestation_manifests_expression ?expr;
cdm:manifestation_type ?format.
?item cdm:item_belongs_to_manifestation ?manif.
} LIMIT 1000
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You can also retrieve a WEMI hierarchy with language filter in order to retrieve the expression, the manifestations and the items of this specific language.

prefix cdm: <>
prefix purl: <>
select distinct ?work, ?expr, ?manif, ?langCode, str(?format) as ?format, ?item
where {
?work owl:sameAs <> .
?expr cdm:expression_belongs_to_work ?work ;
cdm:expression_uses_language ?lang .
?lang purl:identifier ?langCode .
?manif cdm:manifestation_manifests_expression ?expr;
cdm:manifestation_type ?format.
?item cdm:item_belongs_to_manifestation ?manif.
} LIMIT 1000
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prefix cdm: <>
prefix rdf: <>
SELECT ?uri ?businessIdentifier
?uri cdm:official-journal_year "2022"^^xsd:gYear.
?uri rdf:type cdm:official-journal.
?uri owl:sameAs ?businessIdentifier .
copy or click here to directly run the request in the SPARQL interface.

prefix cdm: <>
prefix rdf: <>
prefix xsd: <>
SELECT ?uri ?ojclass ?ojnumber ?ojcollection ?ojyear ?workdatedoc
?uri cdm:official-journal_class ?ojclass .
?uri cdm:official-journal_number ?ojnumber .
?uri cdm:official-journal_part_of_collection_document ?ojcollection .
?uri cdm:official-journal_year ?ojyear .
?uri cdm:work_date_document ?workdatedoc .
?uri rdf:type cdm:official-journal .
FILTER( ?workdatedoc >= "2022-01-01"^^xsd:date
&& ?workdatedoc < "2022-10-01"^^xsd:date)
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prefix cdm: <>
select distinct ?w ?class ?ecli ?title ?agent
where {
?w a ?class.
?w cdm:date_creation_legacy ?datedoc.
OPTIONAL{?w cdm:case-law_ecli ?ecli.}
OPTIONAL{?e cdm:expression_belongs_to_work ?w.
?e cdm:expression_uses_language <>.
?e cdm:expression_title ?title.
?w cdm:work_created_by_agent ?agent .
FILTER( ?datedoc >= "2022-01-01"^^xsd:date && ?datedoc < "2022-12-01"^^xsd:date)
FILTER(?class in (<>,
ORDER BY ?class
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prefix cdm: <>
prefix rdf: <>
prefix xsd: <>
select ?uri, ?legalYear, ?dateDocument, group_concat(?agent,',') as ?agents, group_concat(?sameAs,',') as ?otherUris, ?legalType
where {
?uri cdm:work_date_document ?workdatedoc .
?uri rdf:type cdm:act_preparatory .
?uri owl:sameAs ?sameAs;
cdm:resource_legal_type ?legalType;
cdm:resource_legal_year ?legalYear;
cdm:work_date_document ?dateDocument;
cdm:work_created_by_agent ?agent .
FILTER( ?workdatedoc >= "2022-01-01"^^xsd:date && ?workdatedoc < "2022-04-01"^^xsd:date)
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prefix cdm: <>
select ?act, ?date_entry_into_force, GROUP_CONCAT (?actID,',') as ?actIds
where {
?act cdm:resource_legal_in-force "true"^^<>.
?act cdm:resource_legal_date_entry-into-force ?date_entry_into_force.
?act cdm:work_id_document ?actID
FILTER( ?date_entry_into_force>= "2022-01-01"^^xsd:date && ?date_entry_into_force< "2023-01-01"^^xsd:date)
order by ?date_entry_into_force
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prefix cdm: <>
select ?case ?dossier_identifier ?dossier_title group_concat(?event,',') as ?events ?number_reference ?domain ?case_status ?court_identifier_court ?court_identifier_extension ?court_identifier_extension_number ?court_identifier_number ?court_identifier_year group_concat(?work,',') as ?works ?year_reference group_concat(?sameAs,',') as ?sameAs
where {
?case a cdm:case_court.
?event cdm:event_part_of_dossier ?case.
?case cdm:dossier_identifier ?dossier_identifier.
?case cdm:dossier_title ?dossier_title.
OPTIONAL{?case cdm:dossier_number_reference ?number_reference.}
OPTIONAL{?case cdm:case_court_domain ?domain.}
OPTIONAL{?case cdm:case_court_has_case-status ?case_status.}
OPTIONAL{?case cdm:case_court_identifier_court ?court_identifier_court.}
OPTIONAL{?case cdm:case_court_identifier_extension ?court_identifier_extension.}
OPTIONAL{?case cdm:case_court_identifier_extension_number ?court_identifier_extension_number.}
OPTIONAL{?case cdm:case_court_identifier_number ?court_identifier_number.}
OPTIONAL{?case cdm:case_court_identifier_year ?court_identifier_year.}
OPTIONAL{?case cdm:dossier_contains_work ?work}
OPTIONAL{?case cdm:dossier_year_reference ?year_reference.}
?case owl:sameAs ?sameAs.
} order by ?case
limit 1000
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prefix cdm: <>
prefix skos: <>
select distinct ?concept ?label
where {
?concept skos:inScheme ?scheme .
?concept skos:prefLabel ?label
FILTER (lang(?label ) = 'en')
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prefix cdm: <>
prefix skos: <>
prefix dc: <>
select distinct ?concept ?identifier ?preflabel ?altlabel
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?broader; separator=";\r\n") AS ?broaders
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?narrower; separator=";\r\n") AS ?narrowers
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?isTopConceptOf; separator=";\r\n") AS ?isTopConceptOfs
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?related; separator=";\r\n") AS ?relateds
where { graph <> {
?concept skos:prefLabel ?preflabel.
FILTER (lang(?preflabel ) = 'en')
?concept skos:altLabel ?altlabel.
FILTER (lang(?altlabel ) = 'en').
{?concept skos:broader ?broader.}
UNION {?broader skos:narrower ?concept.}
{?concept skos:narrower ?narrower.}
UNION {?narrower skos:broader ?concept.}
OPTIONAL{?concept skos:topConceptOf ?isTopConceptOf.}
{?concept skos:related ?related.}
UNION{?related skos:related ?concept.}
?concept dc:identifier ?identifier.
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prefix cdm: <>
prefix skos: <>
prefix dc: <>
select distinct ?concept ?identifier ?preflabel
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?broaderWithPref; separator=";\r\n") AS ?broaders
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?narrowerWithPref; separator=";\r\n") AS ?narrowers
where { graph <> {
?concept skos:prefLabel ?preflabel.
#FILTER (lang(?preflabel ) = 'en')
{?concept skos:broader ?broader.}
UNION {?broader skos:narrower ?concept.}
?broader skos:prefLabel ?preflabelBroader.
FILTER (lang(?preflabelBroader)=lang(?preflabel) ).
BIND (CONCAT(?broader, " (", ?preflabelBroader, ")")AS ?broaderWithPref)
{?concept skos:narrower ?narrower.}
UNION {?narrower skos:broader ?concept.}
?narrower skos:prefLabel ?preflabelNarrower.
FILTER (lang(?preflabelNarrower)=lang(?preflabel) ).
BIND (CONCAT(?narrower, " (", ?preflabelNarrower, ")")AS ?narrowerWithPref)
?concept dc:identifier ?identifier.
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If you copy this query and paste it in the SPARQL interface, please uncheck the option " Strict checking of void variables".

prefix cdm: <>
prefix skos: <>
prefix dc: <>
select distinct ?concept ?identifier ?preflabel
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?broaderWithPref; separator=";\r\n") AS ?broaders
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?narrowerWithPref; separator=";\r\n") AS ?narrowers
where { graph <> {
?concept skos:prefLabel ?preflabel.
#FILTER (lang(?preflabel ) = 'en')
{?concept skos:broader ?broader.}
UNION {?broader skos:narrower ?concept.}
?broader skos:prefLabel ?preflabelBroader.
FILTER (lang(?preflabelBroader)=lang(?preflabel) ).
BIND (CONCAT(?broader, " (", ?preflabelBroader, ")")AS ?broaderWithPref)
{?concept skos:narrower ?narrower.}
UNION {?narrower skos:broader ?concept.}
?narrower skos:prefLabel ?preflabelNarrower.
FILTER (lang(?preflabelNarrower)=lang(?preflabel) ).
BIND (CONCAT(?narrower, " (", ?preflabelNarrower, ")")AS ?narrowerWithPref)
?concept dc:identifier ?identifier.
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If you copy this query and paste it in the SPARQL interface, please uncheck the option " Strict checking of void variables".

prefix skos: <>
prefix foaf: <>
prefix euvoc: <>
prefix org: <>
prefix vcard: <>
prefix person: <>
where {
?per a foaf:Person. ?per foaf:name ?name .
?per foaf:givenName ?givenName .
?per vcard:hasGender ?gender .
?per foaf:familyName ?familyName .
?per org:hasMembership ?membership.
?per vcard:hasHonorificPrefix ?honorificPrefix .
?membership euvoc:positionComplement ?position .
?membership org:organization ?org .
?org skos:prefLabel ?label .
FILTER (str(?familyName) = 'MICHEL' && str(?givenName) = 'Charles')
FILTER (lang(?position) = 'en' && lang(?label) = 'en')
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