
Puella Pony Prime - Drop of Magic ch. 3

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Literature Text

Ch.3 Medium I
(Where am I? In the secret place? How bright… with some of instruments and operation tools. Surgery room? I… ugh! Be tied up and cannot move anymore! That mirror reflects my face… what? How can I turn into a Transformer, a 4-5 years old femme? A butterfly-like head, with the blue "ribbons" on my "pig tails")

(Someone is coming… I remember him! It's Knock Out the medical Con! Wait… hum? He's kissing and hugging with another Con? Does his love type is a big, fat femme?)

"Motormaster, now I have to work, see you, babe."
"I'll handle the trash Bots, young kid."

(What the…!!??! It's a male's voice? Man, they are the… gay mechs!? Oh, KO comes to me.)

"Good afternoon, my little lady. Congratulation that you're is chosen to be one of the virus bombs to attack Autobots."
"You mean the cybonic plague to let lots of femmes and sparkling dead? I won't allow this terrible thing would happen!"(How can I saying like that? Ouch! He snaps my face…)

"Troublesome girl! That's why I hate sparkling! By the way, it just takes a little moment… and you'll be our powers!"

(He takes my arm, and injects something on here… No! No! Stop it! STTTOOOOOOPITTTTTT!!!)


"!" Madoka wakes up, now is 7:00am in the morning.
"…what a crazy dream."


Before she meets friends, she sends a message to Homura:

"And the dream is being that, like a memory of the death person."
"After you return, you have the new medium power like Alison DuBois."
"…I asking you again, do REALLY only we still remember about the old world that Puella Magi would be Witch?"
"However I still don't know a strange question, Madoka. Is WHO succeeding your Angel mission?"
"…Sorry Homura, I still cannot remember. But she pleased me to cheer their parents up, and notice them don't still being depress to her death."
"Eh, fine. Oh, It's Mami's bell. See ya."
Chapter three. The elements of Medium TV drama is run into Madoka's brain. What does it mean?

Prologue [link]
Ch.2 [link]
Ch.4 [link]
Ch.5 [link]
Ch.6 [link]
Ch.7 [link]
Ch.8 [link]
Ch.9 [link]
Ch.10 [link]
Ch.11 [link]
Ch.12 [link]
Epilogue [link]
© 2012 - 2025 ojamajomary
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