SMART Terminal manages the entire cargo movement process – from planning through nomination to execution of the movement. It provides schedulers with complete control and visibility of all movements and the tools required to ensure optimal utilization of terminal access. The SMART Terminal solution supports integrations to pipeline inventory, nominations, and ticketing platforms to ensure the seamless flow of data and support of internal and third party activities.
Scheduling And Interaction
Provides multi-modal scheduling (pipeline, marine, track, rail, tank-to-tank)
Reduce Risk 01
Reduce risk and downtime through forecasting and conflict management of all cargo movements
Supports users by providing the tools and information at their fingertips for vetting, compatibility, and vessel positioning and technical information
Performance Blue 01
Provides detailed performance analysis and identifies inefficiencies using terminal event logs and OceanSMART data


Scheduling Interface 01
Intuitive visual scheduling interface
Multimodal Functionality
Multi-modal functionality
Event Management 01
Conflict and forecasting
Third Party 01
Third-party management
Performance reporting
Alerts and notifications scheduling
Position Management 01
Integration to position management and cargo movement platforms
AIS White 01
AIS vessel positioning

SMART Terminal includes various pre-populated documents and a repository of maritime industry data to ensure your cargo movements are optimized. 

Dock Scheduling

Vessel Scheduling

Pipeline Scheduling

Truck Scheduling

 Rail Scheduling

Tank-to-Tank Scheduling

Conflict and Forecasting

Cargo Company Information Checklists Billing Details Reports Online/Offline Modes Online/Offline Modes Position Questionnaires Audit Trails Scheduling Alerts and Notifications Alerts and Notifications

Event Logs

Vetting Check

Demurrage Estimate




SMART Terminal includes various pre-populated documents and a repository of maritime industry data to ensure your cargo movements are optimized. 
Infographic ST 01

SMART Terminal was developed for all parties with an interest in cargo movements, including, but not limited to, those listed below.


Terminal Operators

  • Maximizes terminal utilization
  • Minimizes demurrage risk 
  • Increases customer satisfaction
Demurrage Dark

Demurrage Departments

  • Detailed, usable terminal logs
  • Accurate performance statistics
  • Validate movement data
Oil Barrels

Shippers and Receivers

  • Instant visibility to schedule and availability
  • What-if planning scenarios
  • Optimization of cargo movements via insight and lessons learned

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