Hello Everybody a lot of people Your Calling me a Homo all because of one
Gargle gable blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Why don't you just leave me alone and if your gonna call me a Homo then......I don't know what to say *Wipe tear* If your gonna call me a Homo then then BACK OFF a lot of people have *Cannot Understand* And Making fun of my Video and Copying me and I WILL NOT HAVE IT *Throw his gay porn out of the Table* Gash! Stop Calling me a Homo or You'll be sorry
( Oh Really? what you gonna do cry me to death?)
Current Residence: Wylie, Texas
deviantWEAR sizing preference: XXXXXXXXXL
Favourite style of art: Yaoi
Operating System: Not Have it
Personal Quote: AND I WILL NOT HAVE IT!