Plugin Tag: log
Check & Log Email – Easy Email Testing & Mail logging
(256 vurderingar i alt)Check & Log email allows you to test if your website is correctly sending emails . Overriding of email headers and carbon copying to another address.
Email Log
(41 vurderingar i alt)Log and view all outgoing emails from WordPress. Very useful if you have to debug email related problems or have to store sent emails for auditing.
Audit Trail
(4 vurderingar i alt)Audit Trail is a plugin to keep track of what is going on inside your blog by monitoring administration functions.
User Activity Log
(55 vurderingar i alt)Log all activity of users and get notified when user login to admin area.
WordPress Sentry
(15 vurderingar i alt)A (unofficial) WordPress plugin to report PHP errors and Browser (JavaScript) errors to Sentry.
Log cleaner for Solid Security
(20 vurderingar i alt)Restores the ability to manually delete Solid Security logs from the database.
Simple Login Log
(27 vurderingar i alt)This plugin keeps a log of WordPress user logins. Offers user and date filtering, and export features.
Dashboard Widgets Suite
(35 vurderingar i alt)Adds 9 awesome widgets to your WP Dashboard. Includes User Notes, Social Buttons, System Info, Debug/Error Logs, and more!
(5 vurderingar i alt)This plugin is for logging users' activities. You can check anytime who and what has changed.
404 Notifier
(2 vurderingar i alt)Log 404 (file not found) errors on your site and get them delivered to you via e-mail or RSS.
History Log by click5
(2 vurderingar i alt)Best WordPress plugin to track user activity and log changes on your website.
HTTP Requests Manager
(2 vurderingar i alt)Limit, Debug, Optimize WP_HTTP requests. Limit by request count, page load time, reduce timeout for each request. Speed up login and admin pages.
Login Logger
(2 vurderingar i alt)Logs the most recent successful login for each user, as well as all unsuccessful logins.
BugFu Console Debugger
(17 vurderingar i alt)Log/Debug the PHP code in your Theme/Plugin with your Browser Console (no extension needed)
SMTP for Sendinblue – YaySMTP
(0 vurderingar i alt)Send emails from WordPress through Sendinblue using SMTP by YayCommerce
Database Table Overview and Logs
(0 vurderingar i alt)Lists and logs all database tables including name, size and rows.