Plan Your Event(s)

5 Steps to Holding an National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week® (NDAFW) Event

To maximize the success of your NDAFW activity, follow these 5 steps.

Step 1: Form Your Planning Team
  • Include a mix of adult and teen organizers.
    • Adults should have an interest in educating teens about healthy living, including drug use prevention. Teens have credibility with their peers and play an important role in making sure the messages and activities will speak to other teens.
  • Involve your community.
    • Consider partnering with local schools, businesses, and organizations to strengthen your event. They may help to share in the planning associated with the event or offer speakers who share motivational or personal stories.

Please note: Only adults age 18 or older can register NDAFW events.

Step 2: Plan Your NDAFW Event
  • Choose Your Topic. Your NDAFW event can focus on a specific substance or address substance use in general. NIDA has several promotional activities that are specific to the following themes: 
    • Specific drugs, such as alcohol, marijuana, MDMA, opioids and other prescription drugs, tobacco, nicotine, & vaping (e-cigarettes), new psychoactive substances (synthetics).
    • Specific populations, such as college-aged and young adults and teens in the juvenile justice system.
    • Specific topics, such as supporting mental and emotional health and accessing valid and reliable health information. 
  • Choose a Location. The type of event you host may determine the location. An NDAFW event or activity can be hosted any place in your community where teens are, such as:
    • Schools, afterschool programs, community/recreation centers, or places of worship.
    • Donated space from theaters or other privately held meeting spaces.
    • Space available through your state or local health department.
    • Social media.
    • Virtual activities can be held at home.
  • Get permission to hold the event. 
    • School events. Check with the principal and any other administrator well in advance of the event.
    • Local community events. Be sure to check with the location’s leadership and see if there are permission forms or other requirements you need to complete. Be sure to ask who your point of contact is to make sure everything runs smoothly.
  • Determine what type of activities will work best for your space and your audience. Work with your team to create an event that works best for your school or community.
  • Include the Privacy and Confidentiality for Event Attendees Statement.

EVENT TIP: Have a plan in place for appropriate intervention if a teen reveals a potentially harmful personal situation.

Step 3: Register Your Event

Registration for NDAFW 2024 has closed. NDAFW 2025 will take place on March 17-23, and registration will open in fall 2024.

By registering, you get the following benefits:

  • Your event added to NIDA’s Event Map.
  • Connection with NIDA staff, who can offer advice and answer questions.
  • Increased exposure for your group because you are linked to a national project.
  • An ongoing relationship with NIDA, a component of the National Institutes of Health.
Step 4: Add the Science

Drug use is an evolving field. Take some time to brush up on your knowledge of drugs and their effects before your event.

EVENT TIP: See our NIDA Scientist Virtual Q&A Videos: Teacher’s Guide for recommendations on how to engage teens and encourage them to learn more.

Step 5: Promote Your Event!

The Promote and Enhance Your Event section has everything you need to reach the widest possible audience.