Training Docker / Kubernetes
This 5-day course is designed for developers, system administrators and DevOps professionals seeking in-depth knowledge of containerization with Docker and orchestration with Kubernetes.
Each day includes 4 hours of theory to build foundational knowledge and 4 hours of hands-on labs to solidify practical skills.
Course Schedule
Day 1
Table of Contents
- Docker Engine
- Basic Commands
- Storage
- Environment variables
- Networking introduction
- Dockerfile
- Docker Compose
📖 Theory
🏋️ Practice
Day 2
Table of Contents
- Kubectl installation
- Microk8s installation
- Running Pods
- How to expose pods
- Deployments
- PersistentVolume & PersistenVolumeClaim
- Exercises
📖 Theory
🏋️ Practice
Day 3
- ReplicaSet
- Rolling updates
- Stateless application
- Stateful application
- Health Checks
- Exercises
📖 Theory
🏋️ Practice
Day 4
- Contexts
- Namespaces
- Network Policy
- AutoScaling & Rollout Strategy
- ConfigMaps, Secrets
- Exercise
📖 Theory
🏋️ Practice
Day 5
- Taint & Toleration
- Assign Pods to Nodes
- Helm installation
- Helm Exercices
- Operator
- GitLab/GitHub CICD to deploy resources
📖 Theory
🏋️ Practice
🔗 External Resources