
2.7 Miles / 4.3 km
Time to Hike:
1 hour, ~21 minutes
Surface Type:
Adirondack Park
Wilmington, New York
44.403881, -73.878871
February 26, 2022
July 29, 2022
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The Cobble Lookout Trail at Adirondack Park within the Wilmington Wild Forest near Wilmington, New York is an easy 2.7-mile out-and-back trail that leads to Cobble Lookout with sweeping views of neighboring mountains like Esther Mountain, Marble Mountain, Lookout Mountain, and the Whiteface Mountain observatory if you look hard enough.

Hike Description
This hike starts along Gillespie Drive in Wilmington, NY and follows the blue blazes of the Cobble Lookout Trail heading east. The trail is mostly flat with plenty of small undulating hills along the way.

Waterfall / Ice Climbing - Mile 0.15
Around mile 0.15, hikers will find an off-shoot trail that leads to a ~34 to 40-foot cliff where a waterfall can be found. In the winter (when this trail was mapped), hikers will often find ice climbers scaling this frozen waterfall with their crampons and ice climbing axes. This can be a fun stop along the way.

After passing the quick waterfall spot, hikers will continue hiking the blue blazes east, undulating with the trail, to make their way to the Cobble Lookout.

Cobble Lookout - Mile 1.3
Finally, hikers will reach a rocky cutout along the mountain around mile 1.3 - Cobble Lookout - where the trail essentially ends. Here, hikers can take in the views of the valley below while Esther Mountain, Marble Mountain, Lookout Mountain, and the Whiteface Mountain observatory tower overhead. This view is easy to access and has a great payout for the minimal effort and time; however, it can be very windy.

Hikers will find street parking near the coordinates provided along Gillespie Road in Wilmington, New York.

Dogs are allowed if leashed and their waste should be carried out by the hiker.

Winter Hiking
During the winter, hikers should consider wearing snowshoes along this trail to keep the trail smoother for other recreational users like cross-country skiers.

Explore 26 trails near Wilmington, NY
  1. Parking

    44.403881, -73.878871
  2. Main Trailhead

    44.403944, -73.878882
  3. Esther Mountain, Lookout Mountain, and Whiteface Mountain from Cobble Lookout

    44.404506, -73.859108
    Esther Mountain, Lookout Mountain, and Whiteface Mountain from Cobble Lookout
  4. Ice climbers on frozen waterfall approx. 40-feet tall

    44.405075, -73.876747
    Ice climbers on frozen waterfall approx. 40-feet tall
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Ticks - Lyme Disease More Info (CDC)
Rockfalls / Ledges / or Scrambles



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2.7 miles / 4.3 km
Trail added
February 26, 2022
Hiked on
February 26, 2022
Updated on
July 29, 2022
2.7 miles / 4.3 km
February 26, 2022
Hiking Snowshoeing

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In Wilmington, NY

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