Analytics for SaaS

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Why SaaS marketing managers choose Mouseflow

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One analytics tool for marketing and product

Understand the entire journey from website landing pages to feature adoption using cross-domain tracking.

Explore the toolkitOne analytics tool for marketing and product
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Limitless customer insights.

Whether it’s for documentation or blog posts, Mouseflow gives you unlimited insights to create content that resonates with your customers.

Start getting insightsLimitless customer insights.
Measurable engagement.

In the world of broken attribution, Mouseflow shows you what "clicks" with your website visitors and what frustrates them.

Start tracking frictionMeasurable engagement.
Mouseflow for product analytics

Product manager?

Discover why Mouseflow should be a part of your toolkit
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Tagging elements to get customer insights
See beyond the numbers

Get behavioral user insights that Google Analytics can’t provide. Tag specific behaviors, analyze what causes them, and use this data to inform experiments and drive drive positive user experience changes across your website and product.

Start getting behavior insightsSee beyond the numbers
Using Journeys to understand customer journey
Understand the journey to key website pages

See what guides your visitors to pricing and demo booking pages and what distracts or causes them to drop off.

Understand you visitors’ journeyUnderstand the journey to key website pages
Campaign traffic digital analytics for SaaS
Maximize your paid campaign performance

Use behavior analytics insights to understand which campaigns bring higher quality traffic. Double down on the ones that work and save budget by pausing campaigns that bring unengaged traffic.

Get more out of your paid campaignsMaximize your paid campaign performance
Friction events analytics for SaaS
Check if your website pages and product are working as they should

Watch users navigate your marketing website and SaaS app to spot friction points and guide users toward the right path.

Learn more about user frictionCheck if your website pages and product are working as they should
Error tracking for SaaS
Make your website error-free

Get notified about website errors that prevent customers or prospects from progressing further on their journey and fix them before they affect the bottom line.

Start tracking website errorsMake your website error-free
Case Study

How Cotopaxi Uses Mouseflow for Website Experimentation

Frequently asked questions

Software-as-a-service companies can survive only if they make data-driven decisions. SaaS data analytics is the process of discovering and communicating meaningful patterns found in raw data, turning them into insights for better decision-making.

SaaS companies heavily rely on data analytics in both marketing and product management, but they also usually use an analytics solution to track the performance of customer support and success departments.

While some tools only work well as product analytics or marketing analytics for SaaS, Mouseflow is a behavior analytics tool that is great for both purposes. For marketing, it helps with conversion rate optimization, campaign optimization, error tracking, and creating better content for the target audience.

As a product analytics for SaaS, Mouseflow can help reduce churn by uncovering friction within the product, help you understand which features need better documentation, and also gain valuable insights about how your customers use your SaaS tool.

You can connect your marketing website with your product using cross-site tracking and see the entire journey of your users, which could be beneficial for both marketing anda product.

Mouseflow integrates with traditional data analytics tools like Google Analytics 4 and Adobe Analytics to simplify data exchange between platforms and get more valuable insights.

Every SaaS is data-driven, and data analytics tools help collect and analyze data and track key SaaS metrics. For example, Mouseflow allows you to understand customer engagement, improve conversion rates, track customer journeys, and quickly identify website errors.

Most importantly, Mouseflow goes beyond quantitative metrics, providing qualitative data about how your customers use your SaaS product. Relying on user data obtained from Mouseflow, you can improve conversion rates, reduce customer acquisition costs, increase user engagement, and reduce customer churn.

There’s a great variety of metrics that can serve as KPIs for a SaaS company. For a B2B SaaS platform, the list of key metrics includes these:

  • Monthly recurring revenue (MRR) and annual recurring revenue (ARR)
  • Lead or sign-up conversion rate
  • MQLs/SQLs
  • New free trial users
  • Activations
  • Free-to-paid conversion rate
  • Customer acquisition cost (CAC)
  • Customer lifetime value (CLTV)
  • Retention rate (or churn rate)

Check out our blog post on 11 SaaS marketing metrics to learn more.

Google Analytics 4 is a powerful and versatile tool that many SaaS businesses rely on. Usually it’s used for marketing analytics, but can also be used to some extent for product analytics as well.

To get the full picture both for marketing and product, Google Analytics should be supplemented with a behavioral analytics platform like Mouseflow that offers a session replay tool and a heatmap tool. While Google Analytics covers the quantitative part, Mouseflow provides your SaaS business with qualitative actionable insights that help you understand the reasons behind the numbers and make better-informed decisions.

Mouseflow’s recent accolades include:

G2 (Spring 2024): Leader, Momentum Leader, Fastest Implementation, Most Implementable, Best Usability, Best Results, and Best Relationship.

Capterra Shortlist for Web Analytics Software 2024

GetApp 2024: Category Leader in Web Analytics, Heatmaps, and Website Optimization Tools

We’ll let you decide — check out real user reviews on GetApp, G2, and Capterra and look at similar tools side-by-side with our handy comparisons to data analytics tools like Hotjar, Google Analytics, Smartlook, VWO, and more.

Third Party Reviews

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G2 Award Leader Spring 2024G2 Award Fastest Implementation Spring 2024G2 Award Momentum Leader Spring 2024
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