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  • Japan
  • Deviant for 17 years
  • She / Her

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anonymous's avatar
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CopFish's avatar
You really should read this because it’s important for everyone to read this. DON’T READ THIS UNLESS YOU CAN HANDLE BEING REALLY SCARED. 

One day, Sarah was minding her business surfing the internet, booking a flight to Maine where her father was ill. 

As she pointed and clicked, she started to smell something burning. 

She ran around the house, but, failed to find the source. As she sat back down at the computer desk, she noticed that the smoke was actually coming from the computer! 

She panicked and started running around her house, packing her children into a briefcase. As she dialed 911 on the cell phone, she swung open the front door and there it was. 

An estranged ostrich was sitting on her front porch drinking wine and smoking a cigar. Startled, it violently pecked at Sarah in both of her eyes until she couldn’t see, blinding her for life. Her children started screaming. Ostriches take children screaming as a sign of food, so, the fierce beast ate all of the children. Blood was dripping everywhere. 

If you don’t send this to at least 10 people in the next minute, your computer will begin to smoke and set your house on fire and an ostrich will eat your children and peck out your eyes. 

If you send this to 20 people you’ll still have your sight, however, the ostrich will eat your children. And possibly any cute pets like kittens or puppies that are living in your house. 

If you send this to 30 people, you’ll die. Eventually and inevitably. 
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Shadowking2006's avatar
Emoticon - Mothra Larva (Unleashed) Speech Bubble - Left speaker 1 Harry Pervert Harry Pervert Harry Pervert Harry Pervert Harry Pervert Harry Pervert Speech Bubble - Left speaker 2 
SP-Goji-Fan's avatar
:icongodzillaplz::iconsaysplz: Honey, I'm home!
MMDCharizard's avatar
:icondatgodzillaplz::iconsaysplz: DAT ASS.....
:icongodzillaplz::iconsaysplz: My ass?
:icondatgodzillaplz::iconsaysplz: Nope. Mothra's! It's big and sexy!
:iconmothraplz::iconsaysplz: .......
:icongodzillaplz::iconsaysplz: WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!
:iconpervymechaplz::iconsaysplz: EVERYTHING.
:icongodzillaplz::iconplusplz::iconmothraplz::iconsaysplz: :icondeathstareplz: