Current: I K,leak

Contributes to neuronal resting "leak"conductance

  1. A biophysical model of thalamocortical network switching under propofol (Soplata et al., 2023)
  2. A focal seizure model with ion concentration changes (Gentiletti et al., 2022)
  3. A Model of Multiple Spike Initiation Zones in the Leech C-interneuron (Crisp 2009)
  4. A Moth MGC Model-A HH network with quantitative rate reduction (Buckley & Nowotny 2011)
  5. A single compartment model of Drosophila motor neuron (Megwa et al 2023)
  6. A unified thalamic model of multiple distinct oscillations (Li, Henriquez and Fröhlich 2017)
  7. Activity dependent regulation of pacemaker channels by cAMP (Wang et al 2002)
  8. Alcohol action in a detailed Purkinje neuron model and an efficient simplified model (Forrest 2015)
  9. An ion-based model for swelling of neurons and astrocytes (Hubel & Ullah 2016)
  10. Anoxic depolarization, recovery: effect of brain regions and extracellular space (Hubel et al. 2016)
  11. AOB mitral cell: persistent activity without feedback (Zylbertal et al., 2015)
  12. Ave. neuron model for slow-wave sleep in cortex Tatsuki 2016 Yoshida 2018 Rasmussen 2017 (all et al)
  13. CA1 network model for place cell dynamics (Turi et al 2019)
  14. CA1 pyramidal neuron to study INaP properties and repetitive firing (Uebachs et al. 2010)
  15. Calcium response prediction in the striatal spines depending on input timing (Nakano et al. 2013)
  16. Changes of ionic concentrations during seizure transitions (Gentiletti et al. 2016)
  17. Cholinergic modulation of resting state networks (Sanda et al., 2024)
  18. CN bushy, stellate neurons (Rothman, Manis 2003)
  19. CN bushy, stellate neurons (Rothman, Manis 2003) (Brian 2)
  20. CN bushy, stellate neurons (Rothman, Manis 2003) (Brian)
  21. Compartmental model of a mitral cell (Popovic et al. 2005)
  22. Competition for AP initiation sites in a circuit controlling simple learning (Cruz et al. 2007)
  23. Complex CA1-neuron to study AP initiation (Wimmer et al. 2010)
  24. Concentration dependent nonlinear K+ and Cl- leak current (Huang et al. 2015)
  25. Correcting space clamp in dendrites (Schaefer et al. 2003 and 2007)
  26. DBS of a multi-compartment model of subthalamic nucleus projection neurons (Miocinovic et al. 2006)
  27. Dentate gyrus network model pattern separation and granule cell scaling in epilepsy (Yim et al 2015)
  28. Double cable myelinated axon (Layer 5 pyramidal neuron; Cohen et al 2020)
  29. Dynamic dopamine modulation in the basal ganglia: Learning in Parkinson (Frank et al 2004,2005)
  30. Dynamical model of olfactory bulb mitral cell (Rubin, Cleland 2006)
  31. Effects of neural morphology on global and focal NMDA-spikes (Poleg-Polsky 2015)
  32. Electrodiffusive astrocytic and extracellular ion concentration dynamics model (Halnes et al. 2013)
  33. ELL pyramidal neuron (Simmonds and Chacron 2014)
  34. Epilepsy may be caused by very small functional changes in ion channels (Thomas et al. 2009)
  35. Function and energy constrain neuronal biophysics in coincidence detection (Remme et al 2018)
  36. GC model (Beining et al 2017)
  37. Globus pallidus multi-compartmental model neuron with realistic morphology (Gunay et al. 2008)
  38. Grid cell oscillatory interference with noisy network oscillators (Zilli and Hasselmo 2010)
  39. Heterogeneous axon model (Zang et al, accepted)
  40. HH model neuron of the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus including a persistent Na+ channel (Paul et al 2016)
  41. HH model of SCN neurons including a transient K+ channel (Bano-Otalora et al 2021)
  42. Hippocampal CA1 NN with spontaneous theta, gamma: full scale & network clamp (Bezaire et al 2016)
  43. Hippocampal Mossy Fiber bouton: presynaptic KV7 channel function (Martinello et al 2019)
  44. Hodgkin-Huxley with dynamic ion concentrations (Hubel and Dahlem, 2014)
  45. Hodgkin–Huxley model with fractional gating (Teka et al. 2016)
  46. Ih tunes oscillations in an In Silico CA3 model (Neymotin et al. 2013)
  47. Initiation of spreading depolarization by GABAergic neuron hyperactivity & NaV 1.1 (Chever et al 21)
  48. Intrinsic sensory neurons of the gut (Chambers et al. 2014)
  49. Isolated pacemaker neuron from rodent respiratory CPG under voltage-clamp
  50. Kenyon cells in the honeybee (Wustenberg et al 2004)
  51. Knox implementation of Destexhe 1998 spike and wave oscillation model (Knox et al 2018)
  52. KV1 Channels Enable Myelinated Axons to Transmit Spikes Reliably without Spiking Ectopically (Abdollahi et al., 2025)
  53. Leech Heart (HE) Motor Neuron conductances contributions to NN activity (Lamb & Calabrese 2013)
  54. Leech S Cell: Modulation of Excitability by Serotonin (Burrell and Crisp 2008)
  55. Mature and young adult-born dentate granule cell models (T2N interface) (Beining et al. 2017)
  56. MCCAIS model (multicompartmental cooperative AIS) (Öz et al 2015)
  57. Model of eupnea and sigh generation in respiratory network (Toporikova et al 2015)
  58. Model of repetitive firing in Grueneberg ganglion olfactory neurons (Liu et al., 2012)
  59. Mouse Episodic and Continuous Locomotion CPG (Sharples et al, 2022)
  60. Multi-comp. CA1 O-LM interneuron model with varying dendritic Ih distributions (Sekulic et al 2015)
  61. Myelinated nerve fibre myelin resistance dependent on extracellular K+ level (Brazhe et al. 2010)
  62. Na channel mutations in the dentate gyrus (Thomas et al. 2009)
  63. Network model with neocortical architecture (Anderson et al 2007,2012; Azhar et al 2012)
  64. Nigral dopaminergic neurons: effects of ethanol on Ih (Migliore et al. 2008)
  65. Nodes of Ranvier with left-shifted Nav channels (Boucher et al. 2012)
  66. O-LM interneuron model (Lawrence et al. 2006)
  67. Olfactory Bulb Network (Davison et al 2003)
  68. Olfactory Mitral Cell (Bhalla, Bower 1993)
  69. Olfactory Mitral Cell (Davison et al 2000)
  70. Olfactory receptor neuron model (Dougherty et al 2005)
  71. Paired turbulence and light effect on calcium increase in Hermissenda (Blackwell 2004)
  72. Parametric computation and persistent gamma in a cortical model (Chambers et al. 2012)
  73. Persistent synchronized bursting activity in cortical tissues (Golomb et al 2005)
  74. Schiz.-linked gene effects on intrinsic single-neuron excitability (Maki-Marttunen et al. 2016)
  75. SCZ-associated variant effects on L5 pyr cell NN activity and delta osc. (Maki-Marttunen et al 2018)
  76. Single compartment Dorsal Lateral Medium Spiny Neuron w/ NMDA and AMPA (Biddell and Johnson 2013)
  77. Single neuron with ion concentrations to model anoxic depolarization (Zandt et al. 2011)
  78. Sleep-wake transitions in corticothalamic system (Bazhenov et al 2002)
  79. Spectral method and high-order finite differences for nonlinear cable (Omurtag and Lytton 2010)
  80. Spiny neuron model with dopamine-induced bistability (Gruber et al 2003)
  81. Spreading Depolarization in Brain Slices (Kelley et al. 2022)
  82. Spreading depression model for FHM3 with Nav1.1 mutation (Dahlem et al. 2014)
  83. Striatal D1R medium spiny neuron, including a subcellular DA cascade (Lindroos et al 2018)
  84. Structure-dynamics relationships in bursting neuronal networks revealed (Mäki-Marttunen et al. 2013)
  85. Studies of stimulus parameters for seizure disruption using NN simulations (Anderson et al. 2007)
  86. Subiculum network model with dynamic chloride/potassium homeostasis (Buchin et al 2016)
  87. Synaptic gating at axonal branches, and sharp-wave ripples with replay (Vladimirov et al. 2013)
  88. Synaptic integration in tuft dendrites of layer 5 pyramidal neurons (Larkum et al. 2009)
  89. Temperature-Dependent Pyloric Pacemaker Kernel (Caplan JS et al., 2014)
  90. Thalamic interneuron multicompartment model (Zhu et al. 1999)
  91. Thalamocortical and Thalamic Reticular Network (Destexhe et al 1996)
  92. Thalamocortical sleep model (Fink et. al., 2024, and Krishnan et al., 2016)
  93. The electrodiffusive neuron-extracellular-glia (edNEG) model (Sætra et al. 2021)
  94. The electrodiffusive Pinsky-Rinzel (edPR) model (Sætra et al., 2020)
  95. The role of glutamate in neuronal ion homeostasis: spreading depolarization (Hubel et al 2017)
  96. The ventricular AP and effects of the isoproterenol-induced cardiac hypertrophy (Sengul et al 2020)
  97. Theta phase precession in a model CA3 place cell (Baker and Olds 2007)
  98. Tight junction model of CNS myelinated axons (Devaux and Gow 2008)
  99. Two-neuron conductance-based model with dynamic ion concentrations to study NaV1.1 channel mutations
  100. Ventricular cell model (Guinea-pig-type) (Luo, Rudy 1991, +11 other papers!) (C++)
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