<![CDATA[Stories by Pedro Vale on Medium]]> https://medium.com/@pivale?source=rss-52865b36ce23------2 https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/fit/c/150/150/1*4SkYAQ2TQ_E8aXjyjhUDzw.jpeg Stories by Pedro Vale on Medium https://medium.com/@pivale?source=rss-52865b36ce23------2 Medium Fri, 13 Sep 2024 20:08:03 GMT <![CDATA[Seniority Balance in Software Engineering Teams]]> https://tech.new-work.se/seniority-balance-in-software-engineering-teams-6973db8e1b38?source=rss-52865b36ce23------2 https://medium.com/p/6973db8e1b38 Fri, 17 Mar 2023 14:02:37 GMT 2023-03-17T14:02:37.522Z In Software Engineering teams, seniority balance plays a crucial role in achieving delivery capacity, mentoring opportunities and capability, employee retention, costs, and sustainability. A team with a good balance of seniority levels can provide several advantages, including a diverse range of skill sets, perspectives, and experience levels.

New Work, Portugal —Software Engineering Team

Delivery Capacity

Seniority balance is essential for the delivery capacity of Software Engineering teams. A team composed of only junior engineers may not have the necessary experience to handle complex tasks or to make significant decisions. On the other hand, a team composed of only senior engineers may lack a new perspective on topics and out of the box thinking to come up with innovative solutions to problems.

By having a mix of experience, a team can have the necessary expertise to handle complex tasks, while also having the energy and creativity to come up with new ideas. This balance can help ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget.

Mentoring Opportunities and Capability

Seniority balance also provides opportunities for mentoring and professional development. Senior engineers can serve as mentors to junior engineers, passing on their knowledge and expertise. This mentoring can help junior engineers learn new skills, gain confidence, and grow in their careers.

Additionally, senior engineers can learn from junior engineers as well and can pass on knowledge and experience, as it was once done with them. Junior engineers may have new ideas or fresh perspectives that can help senior engineers think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions.

Employee Retention

A team with a good seniority balance can also help with employee retention. Junior engineers may leave if they feel they are not being challenged or if they do not have opportunities for growth. However, if they have senior engineers as mentors, they may be more likely to stay with the company and grow within the team.

Senior engineers may also leave if they feel that they are not being challenged or if they do not have opportunities to mentor junior engineers. By having a mix of both senior and junior engineers, a team can provide opportunities for both groups to grow and develop within the team.

Costs and Sustainability

Finally, seniority balance can also impact costs and sustainability. Senior engineers may command higher salaries, which can impact the overall cost of the team. However, if they are mentoring junior engineers, those junior engineers can take on more responsibilities over time, potentially reducing the need for additional senior engineers in the future.

Additionally, if a team is composed solely of senior engineers, there may be a risk of knowledge loss if those engineers leave the company. By having a mix of both senior and junior engineers, the team can ensure that knowledge is transferred and retained within the team, providing long-term sustainability.

Scenarios and their impact

There is a shortage of published studies about seniority structures and their impact on organizations. Most articles tend to focus on only one dimension, like delivery capacity, mentorship capacity or structure sustainability. Here are some considerations for three different scenarios:

1. 50% seniors, 40% mids, and 10% juniors

This scenario has a high percentage of senior engineers, which can provide a wealth of experience and knowledge to the team. Senior engineers can mentor mid-level and junior engineers, providing opportunities for professional development and knowledge transfer. However, having a smaller percentage of junior engineers may not only limit the team’s ability to bring in fresh perspectives and new ideas (which can impact innovation and creativity) but also sustainability of the team, as senior engineers are often more prone to leave.

2. 20% seniors, 30% mids, and 50% juniors

This scenario has a higher percentage of junior engineers, which can provide opportunities for fresh perspectives and new ideas. However, having a lower percentage of senior engineers may limit the team’s ability to handle complex tasks and make significant decisions. Additionally, without enough mid-level engineers, there may not be enough people with the necessary experience to mentor junior engineers effectively.

3. 30% seniors, 40% mids, and 30% juniors

This scenario has a more balanced mix of senior, mid-level, and junior engineers. This balance can provide opportunities for mentoring, professional development, and knowledge transfer, while also allowing for fresh perspectives and new ideas. Having a mix of experience levels can also provide the team with the necessary expertise to handle complex tasks and make significant decisions.


In conclusion, seniority balance is critical for Software Engineering teams. It can impact delivery capacity, mentoring opportunities and capability, employee retention, costs, and sustainability. A team with a good mix of senior and junior engineers can provide a diverse range of skill sets, perspectives, and experience levels, which can lead to more innovative solutions and better overall performance. Therefore, it is important for companies to consider seniority balance when building and managing Software Engineering teams.

Seniority Balance in Software Engineering Teams was originally published in New Work Development on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
