Shift-Left Testing and Shift-Right Testing

Two critical strategies aimed at enhancing software quality at different stages of the SDLC

Allie Hsu


What is Shift-Left Testing?

Shift-left testing refers to initiating testing activities earlier in the SDLC. Traditionally, testing was positioned towards the end of the development process, often leading to late defect detection and this might increase the cost of debugging and delay product releases. The Shift-Left approach counters this by integrating testing from the earliest stages of development, including during the requirement gathering, design, and coding phases.

Key Principles of Shift-Left Testing

  • Early and Frequent Testing:
    Testing is conducted as soon as requirements are defined and continues throughout the development process. This helps identify defects early, making them easier and less costly to fix.
  • Proactive Collaboration:
    Shift-left testing fosters collaboration among developers, testers, and stakeholders from the beginning, ensuring alignment with product requirements and well-defined product quality standards.
  • Continuous Feedback Loop:
    Regular testing feedback can help developers keep their code meet requirements, thereby…



Allie Hsu
Writer for

A tech enthusiast who is keen to develop new skills