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Secondary Education

The Office of Secondary Education assists district personnel in improving classroom instruction through the development, revision, and training on our Mississippi College- and Career-Readiness Standards in both Academic and Career Technical Education (CTE). Through training and development, our content area specialists and program staff help school and district personnel implement state standards, as well as best practices for improving student achievement.

Office of Secondary Education Trainings on Revisions to State Board Policy and the Accountability Standards, 2023

The MDE’s Office of Secondary Education hosted several webinars to review revisions to the MS Public and Non-Public Schools Accountability Standards, 2023 as well as the following State Board of Education policies:

  • State Board Policy 28.2 Approved Courses for the Secondary Schools
  • State Board Policy 28.1 Curriculum Guides
  • State Board Policy 28.5 Credit Recovery Policy
  • State Board Policy 56.1 Distance Learning, Blended Learning, and Online Courses


2022 Mississippi College- and Career-Readiness Standards for Social Studies

Financial Literacy Requirements for Mississippi Students

Mississippi Instructional Materials Matter (State-adopted High-Quality Instructional Materials)

Instructional Minutes Recommendations and Examples for Scheduling K-8

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Standards

Instructional Planning Guides for English Language Arts K-12

Instructional Planning Guides for Mathematics K-12

Instructional Planning Guides for Science K-12


Mississippi Diploma Options

Diploma Endorsement Options Seals

Click on the link above for information regarding seals that schools may use for student diplomas that represent the three different endorsement options. 


Access for All Guide

The Access For All (AFA) Guide was developed by the MDE in collaboration with educators across the state to help teachers address issues that impact learners with a wide variety of needs.


Stay Informed

The MDE sends important announcements to Mississippi public school teachers and administrators every Tuesday afternoon via the MDE EdUpdate Newsletter. If you are not receiving the EdUpdate, you may subscribe to be added to MDE’s EdUpdate email list.