WDW Chat Parks
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Deluxe Evening Hours at AK- anyone able to report back? They are available on our arrival day and am wondering if they are worth changing plans to do- feedback appreciated!
10:02am by
Definitely go! It's so fun seeing Pandora at night!
4:05pm by
There's not a whole lot to do (relative to the other parks), with just four rides operating. But if you want to enjoy Pandora at night, or ride Everest 5 times in a row, no reason not to go!
4:47pm by
Does the safari run during ext hours?
7 min ago by
Who are my DLR people? Does anyone know a good way to get from DLR to Universal? I posted on DLR chat too, but they aren't as active
12:28pm by
We also rented a car. Plus we stayed at the Hilton by Universal and changed hotels for DL. It's not a quick drive.
4:46pm by
Rideshare or your own rental car are the best (and only) options I'm aware of.
4:48pm by
We also rented a car it too us over 2 hours to get there from DLR. the traffic can be horrible. So if you can stay by universal go there and then to DLR. it would probably be better.
9 min ago by
It's looking like we won't be able to / want to use our after 5pm conference tickets next week d/t the storm. If we don't have an opportunity to use them before their expiration date, can I apply the cost to a future ticket purchase? Any other options?
10 min ago by
So i was really looking forward to Cake Bake but have you seen those prices?!? I mean toppos is one of our favorite restaurants but somehow this gives me pause. I think its bec the kids menu is higher priced that even the fancy GF restos...
4:35pm by
That's why I'm so fond of Brown Derby (I get my margarita flight, kid gets salmon with mashed potatoes and green beans and we are all happy) and Jiko (I get something fancy and a killer wine, kid gets deluxe mac and cheese and we are all happy).
40 min ago by
@gmcc that's what I was thinking. ESPN couldn't stay afloat, but after a lengthy renovation, this will? Seems like a gamble. Plus I miss ESPN, too.
13 min ago by
I just looked at trip advisor pictures (for Indy), decorated for Xmas looks absolutely magical and the entrees look delicious (and sizable)... hoping the reviews make it worth the cost - of food is delicious, combined with the incredible atmosphere, I'...
10 min ago by
"What's cookin'?" It's my German Club's first Oktoberfest of the season! So no cooking for me LOL. A full traditional German buffet, a variety of wursts, chicken, salads, potatoes etc and of course great imported German bier!
5:40pm by
@hol I'm cheering for you but I'm not sure it's working. I did get my In N Out burger!
19 min ago by
And @utang I really like that shake!
18 min ago by
@cobia, you have a standing invitation!
14 min ago by
My first try at buying LLMP and LLSP tomorrow morning - one transaction or two? Entire party wants LLMP but only a few want LLSP
12:16am by
I survived! LOL, yes you can buy the LLMP and LLSP all in one purchase, which I did for one day bc party size same, but I had to do separate purchases for those LLSP where just some wanted it
9:54am by
Oh man! Just one day at a time huh? Do we think it's best to do your farthest day out first then so full availability is there, or do your first park day first. Hmmm lol
8:07pm by
I looked at availability and decided based on that and my priorities. I actually booked our arrival day first at HS.
20 min ago by
Run Disney ?- My DD &DH are running the 10k springtime surprise race. Am I able to watch and where? Thanks
3:44pm by
Oh, you do NOT want to go to the start with the runners at Suck O'Clock. That is NO fun. Stay in bed and sleep and let them return and shower and then you can go out for a lovely brunch at a civilized time.
5:17pm by
LOL @ali. As a runner and a runner's cheerleader, I support NOT taking the bus with your runner for a 10K, not enough time to get outta there and to your cheering spot. Instead, Lyft to Swalfin at appropriate early time and walk to BWI to watch runners.
5:25pm by
With a 5am start, they're going to be catching the bus about 2am. Everyone will be done by 8am before the parks open. That would make it worth splurging on a monorail resort so you can take it over to Epcot finish area to meet them.
29 min ago by
Please stop by the liner meet if you are in the world the weekend of December 7th: Saturday December 7th at Bell Vue Lounge 2:30-4:30. You don't have to be there the whole time!
7:15am by
@JER, I messaged you on the forum.
4:36pm by
Got it, @PT, thanks!
6:14pm by
44 min ago by
We arrive on Wednesday. Driving. Continue on and drive in (lived in Miami) will arrive before noon. Or cancel and arrive Thursday ? Dvc
6:43pm by
We have ponchos ! Ready for the day after
7:32pm by
I highly recommend a lightweight raincoat big enough to go over a crossbody bag. We found those best for rain that's combined with potent wind. Didn't need them much for Helene's WDW effects, but they kept everything under them dry.
7:49pm by
Thanks. Will pack those too
48 min ago by
Hello Liner Friends I've missed you all! It has been a while since I've really been on. Have a few trips on the horizon so I need to catch up with changes to genie and more...happy to be back and planning again!
11:48am by
You don't make MP selections until 7 days out if you're on property.
1:02pm by
Welcome back!
1:04pm by
Sounds like I have homework to do to catch up!
57 min ago by
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