Trying Tryton
Trying Tryton
Posted Dec 7, 2017 21:45 UTC (Thu) by debacle (subscriber, #7114)In reply to: Trying Tryton by corbet
Parent article: Trying Tryton
Without knowing much about Tryton, I have the feeling, that the review does it a little bit of injustice. There is a use case, i.e. "SMB accounting", but it is clear from the beginning, that both Tryton and Odoo are business application platforms, not applications. If I understand correctly, such systems are always a kind of workbench. That is the whole business case for thousands SAP and Oracle consulting companies. I'm clearly not an expert on those things, but I would try GnuCash (what you did), LedgerSMB, and PostBooks. At least from their short description they look more like applications, not platforms, to me.
Anyway, an interesting read!
PS: It seems, that Debian unstable has relatively recent version of all mentioned programs, but Odoo.
Posted Dec 7, 2017 21:48 UTC (Thu)
by corbet (editor, #1)
Odoo, FWIW, is more oriented toward the small-business accounting use case. It has a lot of features missing for commercial reasons, but a real effort has been made to have it work out of the box and be reasonably easy to work with.
Indeed, I tried to carefully express that Tryton isn't "bad", it's just not aimed at this use case.
Trying Tryton