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Would be nice to have bug citations instead of bellyaching

Would be nice to have bug citations instead of bellyaching

Posted Dec 5, 2017 12:19 UTC (Tue) by TheLessThanAmazing (guest, #119480)
In reply to: Would be nice to have bug citations instead of bellyaching by flussence
Parent article: Mozilla releases its speech-recognition system

I'm running Firefox 57.0.1 x86_64 on Fedora 27 with Intel graphics (i5 3570 with HD Graphics 2500 to be exact) and have never seen any such flicker.

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Would be nice to have bug citations instead of bellyaching

Posted Dec 5, 2017 20:05 UTC (Tue) by zlynx (guest, #2285) [Link]

At least one case of Intel flickering bugs is PSR (Panel Self Refresh) which saves a lot of power but was quite buggy for a long time. My laptop is a Haswell CPU and still has PSR bugs. If I force enable it, under gnome-shell using Wayland, I get a nice savings from 12W to 8W idle use but there are many things that flicker annoyingly.

The PSR enable and it being used from user-space all depend on a complicated set of rules about compatible versions of hardware and software, so it is very possible to have one Intel GPU flicker and another one not flicker. Or even the same hardware but depending on Ubuntu vs Fedora. Or X.org vs Wayland.

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