
4 min read

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LucyEvans11's avatar


1. You must post these rules.

2. Each person has to share 10 things about themselves.

3. Answer the 10 questions asked to you and invent 10 questions the people your tag will have to answer.

4. Choose the 10 people and put them on your journal.

5. Go to their page to inform them they are tagged.

6. Not something like "You are tagged if you read that."

7. You have to legitimately tag 10 people.

8. No tag-backs.

9. You can't say you don't do tags.


Okay well... ten things about me *ponders*

1. I enjoy creating stories~
2. When I started cosplaying, I would only cosplay male characters for 2 years
3. I really, really enjoyed school
4. I love theme park rides that make you so dizzy you can't walk afterwards
5. I'm the only person in my family with a valid passport
6. I love my meat, especially gammon and bacon
7. I have to constantly shift my books around to make space for more manga
8. My cosplay outfits push my normal clothes out of my wardrobe
9. I love Sherlock and Doctor Who
10. I've seen 'Don't Hug Me I'm Scared' and it's sequel more times than I'd admit to 

1-Favorite anime?

Always a tough question... currently it's The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

2-Favorite book?

Can I have the entire Darren Shan vampire saga?

3-Favorite TV show?

Horrible Histories!!!

4-Favorite movie?

Cabin in the Woods

5-Favorite book turned into a movie?

Hmm... probably Roald Dahl's Matilda

6-Favorite movie made from a book?

The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya

7-Favorite anime character?

Itsuki Koizumi

8-Favorite food?

Chicken and Mushroom Pie

9-Favorite dessert food?


10-Favorite genre of anime?

The 'What the hell?!?' genre :3

Okay, my questions~

1. What is your favourite colour?

2. What was the last book you read?

3. Have you watched 'Don't hug me I'm  Scared' or it's sequel? (Pssst Padlock!)

4. What was the last biggest internet trend you remember?

5. What did you have for breakfast today?

6. On a cold winters night, what anime character would you cuddle by the fire?

7. What's your theme song?

8. What's your favourite hobby?

9. If you could holiday anywhere in the world, where would you go?

10. What anime world would you love to live in?

The lucky people who have been tagged!!!

:icongrayicefullbuster: :iconbriarfox13:
:iconakefia01: :iconcadaska: :icontheraceofspacewolves:
:iconriownertias: :iconmorningkatie: :iconsummertheskitty: :iconxxmagiccatxx:

© 2014 - 2025 LucyEvans11

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anonymous's avatar
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RiownerTias's avatar
And the mighty duo want me to do 20 questions. Just my luck :P