The effect of the Rs-5 bacteria strain, identified as Klebsiella oxytoca and isolated with ACC as the sole nitrogen source, on salt stressed cotton seedling growth was studied. It was demonstrated that Rs-5 could obviously relieve salt stress and promote cotton seedling growth. After treatment with Rs-5, the individual plant height and dry weight of cotton increased by 14.9 and 26.9%, respectively, compared to the control. Further analysis found that Rs-5 exhibited the ability to increase the cotton’s absorption of the N, P, K, and Ca elements and decrease the absorbability of the Na element under salt stress. In addition, Rs-5 itself could produce phytohormone-auxin, and was capable of dissolving phosphorus (P). The ratio of the dissolved P diameter to the colony diameter was 1.86. The dissolved P was 81.6 mg·l−1 in media after four days of incubation.
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This work was supported by the Key Lab Foundation of the Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Science (XJYS0203-2005-03) and Natural Science Foundation of Shihezi University (ZRKX2005024). We also acknowledge members of our laboratory for assistance in the soil sampling. Haitao Yue and Wenping Mo contributed equally to this work, and are co-first author.
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Yue, H., Mo, W., Li, C. et al. The salt stress relief and growth promotion effect of Rs-5 on cotton. Plant Soil 297, 139–145 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-007-9327-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-007-9327-0