The marine, aerospace, and power machinery industries show progression in the application of titanium alloy components due to their good properties. However, the alloy exhibits poor thermal stability, low hardness, and poor tribological properties; as a result, the use of Ti6Al4V in various industries is restricted. Consequently, a search for surface improvement of Ti6Al4V alloy arose with the intention of enhancing its endurance. The use of laser metal deposition method by integrating chemical barrier coatings is considered as advantageous; therefore, an investigation aimed at surface improvement of Ti6Al4V by incorporation of Ti-Co coatings developed. To fabricate the coatings, a 3-kW continuous wave ytterbium laser system (YLS) was used, and to control the movement of the cladding process, a KUKA robot was attached to the system. The microstructure, corrosion, and mechanical properties of the titanium alloy-cladded surfaces were studied at different laser process parameters. To analyze the microstructure of the cross section, optical and scanning electron microscopy were employed. A laser power of 750 W and scanning rate of 1.2 m/min were found to be the optimum process conditions for a 60Ti-40Co alloy. When comparing the mechanical properties of the alloy and bare substrate, the alloy exhibited a significant increase in terms of the hardness. It was found to have 719 HV as compared to 301 HV which is that of the substrate, this indicates to an increase of 58.14% in the hardness. Lower laser scanning rates result in a larger fraction of hard-intermetallic phases which in turn lead to coatings with enhanced hardness levels. Furthermore, the yield strength and tensile strength of the coatings increased to maxima of 2.30 and1.66 GPa, respectively in comparison to the substrate, due to the addition of Co. Additionally, the corrosion rates of all the coated specimens were reduced as a result of the oxide films formed on the laser-coated Ti6Al4V alloy samples.
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The authors which to acknowledge the National Research Foundation (NRF) for their support and the National Laser Centre, CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa, is also appreciated for their laser facility.
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Fatoba, O.S., Adesina, O.S. & Popoola, A.P.I. Evaluation of microstructure, microhardness, and electrochemical properties of laser-deposited Ti-Co coatings on Ti-6Al-4V Alloy. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 97, 2341–2350 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-018-2106-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-018-2106-7