Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of increasing scholarly and policy interest. To help researchers, policymakers, and the public, this paper describes a novel dataset identifying AI in over 13.2 million patents and pre-grant publications (PGPubs). The dataset, called the Artificial Intelligence Patent Dataset (AIPD), was constructed using machine learning models for each of eight AI component technologies covering areas such as natural language processing, AI hardware, and machine learning. The AIPD contains two data files, one identifying the patents and PGPubs predicted to contain AI and a second file containing the patent documents used to train the machine learning classification models. We also present several evaluation metrics based on manual review by patent examiners with focused expertise in AI, and show that our machine learning approach achieves state-of-the-art performance across existing alternatives in the literature. We believe releasing this dataset will strengthen policy formulation, encourage additional empirical work, and provide researchers with a common base for building empirical knowledge on the determinants and impacts of AI invention.

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CISPT (2018) includes in its analysis Derwent Innovation ThemeScapes, which use statistical and textual analysis (31); CIPO leverages ML to clean data, such as inventor names (47).
For example, see the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI) report at https://www.nscai.gov/2021-final-report/.
561 U.S. 593, 130 S. Ct. 3218.
Other definitions of AI are useful for AI policy making and operational processes at the USPTO. Our definition of AI is not the official definition used by the USPTO.
All but 5224 of the Phase 2 documents (0.34%) were published in 2019 and 2020. See Appendix D in Supplementary Information for details.
See MPEP § 608.01(b).
MPEP § 608.01(k); see also §§ 608.01(i)-(o).
The publication of patent applications as PGPubs began with the American Inventors Protection Act (APIA), enacted November 29, 1999.
We did not use AppFT for the PGPub abstract text during Phase 1 due to internal resource constraints at the time of processing the data. However, Google Big Query processes and stores the original AppFT (and PatFT) abstract text in tabular format. The abstract text is also available for download at www.patentsview.org, an open data platform with parsed and value-added USPTO patent data.
The claims of a patent application may change during its examination to address rejections over the prior art, other rejections, and informalities as made by the patent examiner; see MPEP § 706.
Abood and Feltenberger (2018) use word2vec text embedding (116–117). Additionally, our word2vec approach uses code from Persiyanov (2018), see https://github.com/RaRe-Technologies/gensim/blob/develop/docs/notebooks/Any2Vec_Filebased.ipynb.
See MPEP § 905.03(a) for a description of the CPC and its use.
A patent family is a group of patent applications and/or granted patents that share a common applicant/owner and share a similar inventive concept. We use the “national family” variety (see https://www.wipo.int/edocs/mdocs/aspac/en/wipo_ip_bkk_12/wipo_ip_bkk_12_www_238983.pdf).
See description at the USPTO Public Search Facility webpage: https://www.uspto.gov/learning-and-resources/support-centers/public-search-facility/public-search-facility and MPEP § 902.03(e).
Note the seed set, L1 and L2 expansions, and anti-seed generation used the data from Phase 1—all model development and training used Phase 1 data. All the patent documents in the updated Phase 2 data are in the “remaining” set of documents.
The word2vec encoding used the continuous bag of words (CBOW) model with a window size of 10 for abstracts and 5 for claims. It also ignored any word that appeared less than 10 times in the respective text.
See Feltenberger (2019) at https://github.com/google/patents-public-data/tree/master/models/landscaping.
The one exception is the computer vision classification model. The trained model was not properly saved, and we retrained it using the same underlying training data and code. Hence, the results are consistent with our original model trained in the Phase 1 analysis.
The pairs were patent examiners 1–2, 1–3, 1–4, 2–3, 2–4, and 3–4. Each pair reviewed 36 patent documents in the consolidated seed group (216 total), 36 patent documents in the consolidated anti-seed group (216 total), and 61 or 63 patent documents in the consolidated L1, L2, and remaining group (368 total).
See discussion at https://www.scikit-yb.org/en/latest/api/classifier/threshold.html. Since a patent document is classified as “any AI” if any prediction from the eight component models is at or above the threshold, the largest prediction from all eight models drives the “any AI” determination.
The patent and PGPub numbers in our dataset are as they appear on the printed U.S. publications, except that special characters (e.g., commas and slashes) were removed.
With the exception of reissue patents, which would require information regarding application priority relationships.
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Giczy, A.V., Pairolero, N.A. & Toole, A.A. Identifying artificial intelligence (AI) invention: a novel AI patent dataset. J Technol Transf 47, 476–505 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10961-021-09900-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10961-021-09900-2