Constitutive heterochromatin is composed mainly of repetitive elements and represents the typical inert chromatin structure in eukaryotic cells. Approximately half of the mammalian genome is made of repeat sequences, such as satellite DNA, telomeric DNA, and transposable elements. As essential genes are not present in these regions, most of these repeat sequences were considered as junk DNA in the past. However, it is now clear that these regions are essential for chromosome stability and the silencing of neighboring genes. Genetic and biochemical studies have revealed that histone methylation at H3K9 and its recognition by heterochromatin protein 1 represent the fundamental mechanism by which heterochromatin forms. Although this molecular mechanism is highly conserved from yeast to human cells, its detailed epigenetic regulation is more complex and dynamic for each distinct constitutive heterochromatin structure in higher eukaryotes. It can also vary according to the developmental stage. Chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing (ChIP-seq) analysis is a powerful tool to investigate the epigenetic regulation of eukaryote genomes, but non-unique reads are usually discarded during standard ChIP-seq data alignment to reference genome databases. Therefore, specific methods to obtain global epigenetic information concerning repetitive elements are needed. In this review, we focus on such approaches and we summarize the latest molecular models for distinct constitutive heterochromatin types in mammals.

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- ADD:
- ALT:
Alternative lengthening of telomeres
α-Thalassemia/mental retardation X-linked
- BEND3:
BEN domain containing 3
Death domain-associated protein
- ERV:
Endogenous retrovirus
Human-silencing hub
- HP1:
Heterochromatin protein 1
- IAP:
Intracisternal A particle
- KAP1:
KRAB-ZFP-associated protein 1
Krüppel-associated box domain-zinc finger proteins
Long-interspersed nucleotide element
- LTR:
Long terminal repeat
- Mommes:
Modifiers of murine metastable epialleles
- NuRD:
Nucleosome remodeling and deacetylase complex
- ORC:
Origin recognition complex
- Pc:
- PEV:
Position effect variegation
- PICh:
Proteomics of isolated chromatin segment
- piRNA:
PIWI-interacting RNA
P-element-induced wimpy testis
- POT1:
Protection of telomeres 1
- RAP1:
Repressor and activator protein 1
Senescence-associated heterochromatic foci
SET domain bifurcated 1
- Su(var):
Suppressor of variegation
Telomere repeat-containing RNA
- TIN2:
TRF1interacting nuclear protein 2
- TPP1:
POT1- and TIN2-interacting protein
- TRF1:
Telomeric repeat-binding factor 1
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Nishibuchi, G., Déjardin, J. The molecular basis of the organization of repetitive DNA-containing constitutive heterochromatin in mammals. Chromosome Res 25, 77–87 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10577-016-9547-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10577-016-9547-3