In contemporary psychological assessments, diverse traits are often evaluated using extensive questionnaires. This study focuses on the trait of emotional stability, and acknowledges the inherent limitations and issues associated with prolonged survey instruments. To address these challenges, we propose a Machine Learning (ML) approach to directly predict emotional stability, offering a more efficient alternative to bulky questionnaires. The study carefully selected variables with previously established relationships to emotional stability, utilizing a dataset of 2203 individuals who responded to a series of psychometric questionnaires. The proposed method yields promising results, achieving an R2 score of approximately 0.71 on the test set, indicating robust predictive performance. These models highlighted the significance of variables such as emotional stress and self-esteem, emphasizing their substantial role in predicting emotional stability. It is noteworthy that even with a reduced set of variables, the models remained statistically equivalent. The results provide valuable insights for predicting stability with smaller sets of variables and contribute knowledge that complements the understanding of emotional stability.
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- BR:
Bayesian Ridge
- DT:
Decision Tree
- GB:
Gradient Boosting
- k-NN:
K-Nearest Neighbour
- LR:
Linear Regression
- MLP:
Multi-Layer Perceptron
- MSE:
Mean Squared Error
- R 2 :
- RF:
Random Forest
- SVR:
Support Vector Regression
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The authors extend their heartfelt gratitude to RH Asesores Improving, Talent Development Institute for its invaluable contributions and support throughout the research process. Furthermore, we wish to emphasize that this research was undertaken without specific funding, and the authors conducted and concluded the study independently.
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Madroñal, M.R., Ramírez, E.S., Ruiz, L.G.B. et al. Exploring emotional stability: from conventional approaches to machine learning insights. Appl Intell 55, 213 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-024-06130-5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-024-06130-5