Continuous, dynamic, and controlled membrane remodeling creates flow of information and materials across membranes to sustain life in all biological systems. Multiple nanoscale phenomena of membranes regulate mesoscale processes in cells, which in turn control macro-scale processes in living organisms. Understanding the molecular mechanisms that cells use for membrane homeostasis, i.e., to generate, maintain, and deform the membrane structures has therefore been the mammoth’s task in biology. Using the principles of DNA nanotechnology, researchers can now precisely recapitulate the functional interactions of the biomolecules that can now probe, program, and re-program membrane remodeling and associated phenomena. The molecular mechanisms for membrane dynamics developing in vitro conditions in which the membrane modulating components are precisely organized and modulated by DNA nanoscaffolds are adding new chapters in the field of DNA nanotechnology. In this review, we discuss DNA nanodevices-based membrane remodeling and trafficking machineries and their applications in biological systems.
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We thank all the members of DB lab for critical inputs over this review. DB thanks IITGN for start-up grant and SERB-DST for Ramanujan fellowship and BRNS-BARC for research grant. AR, VM, and SK thank MHRD for research fellowships.
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Rajwar, A., Morya, V., Kharbanda, S. et al. DNA Nanodevices to Probe and Program Membrane Organization, Dynamics, and Applications. J Membrane Biol 253, 577–587 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00232-020-00154-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00232-020-00154-x