Cross-journal collection
Exploring the frontiers of research co-production: the Integrated Knowledge Translation Research Network concept papers
Cross-journal collection
Tailored Implementation for Chronic Diseases
Cross-journal collection
Translating research in elder care: an applied program of health services research
Article collection
Developing clinical practice guidelines
Featured Editorial: Evidence for objects of implementation in healthcare
The Editors-in-Chief of Implementation Science and Implementation Science Communications reflect on what is meant by implementation of evidence-based practices, programmes, or policies in healthcare in the context of the journals' aims and scope.
Read MoreFeatured Editorial: Revisiting the scope and expectations of Implementation Science and Implementation Science Communications
This October 2024 editorial updates the scope and submission expectations of Implementation Science and Implementation Science Communications. We refine our protocol publishing policies and set out new expectations for reporting studies describing determinants and their relationship with implementation outcomes.
Read MoreArticles
Improving the adoption of a school-based nutrition program: findings from a collaborative network of randomised trials
Finding the right dose: a scoping review examining facilitation as an implementation strategy for evidence-based stroke care
Study protocol for a hybrid type 3 effectiveness-implementation trial of a team-based implementation strategy to support educators’ use of a social engagement intervention
Optimizing vaccine uptake in sub-Saharan Africa: a collaborative COVID-19 vaccination campaign in Madagascar using an adaptive approach
The behaviour change wheel: A new method for characterising and designing behaviour change interventions
A theory of organizational readiness for change
Making sense of implementation theories, models and frameworks
Fostering implementation of health services research findings into practice: a consolidated framework for advancing implementation science
A guide to using the Theoretical Domains Framework of behaviour change to investigate implementation problems
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Announcing the launch of In Review
Aims and scope
Implementation Science is a pioneering, highly-accessed journal dedicated to publishing evidence regarding methods for promoting the uptake of consolidated research findings into routine healthcare practice and health policy.
Implementation Science provides a unique, multidisciplinary platform for research on implementation strategies, including their development, outcomes, economics, process by which effects are achieved, and factors associated with implementation outcomes. The journal has a particular interest in rigorous studies and novel, theory-based approaches, and covers implementation science across the full spectrum of healthcare services and settings.
Call for papers
Cross-journal collection:
Advancing the Science and Metrics on the Pace of Implementation
Organized by Enola Proctor, Alex Ramsey and Gila Neta
Cross-journal collection:
Generalizing and Context in Implementation Research: Tensions and Opportunities
Guest edited by Whitney Irie, Aaloke Mody and Radhika Sundararajan
Announcing: Implementation Science Communications
We are delighted to share that Implementation Science Communications (ISC), which launched as a companion journal to Implementation Science in 2020, is now indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index, PubMed, PMC and Scopus.
It is due to receive its first Impact Factor from Clarivate in June 2025, and received a first CiteScore from Scopus in June 2024 of 4.2.
Read about the journal's launch and its aims and scope in the Implementation Science editorial here, and visit ISC for more information.
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Annual Journal Metrics
Citation Impact 2023
Journal Impact Factor: 8.8
5-year Journal Impact Factor: 9.2
Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 3.222
SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 2.964
Speed 2023
Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 40
Submission to acceptance (median days): 126
Usage 2023
Downloads: 3,343,240
Altmetric mentions: 2,448