If you've already got an Amazon Echo or Echo Dot in your home or office, you can easily add your very own devices. In this quick project we'll show how to use an Adafruit ESP8266 Feather HUZZAH to control NeoPixels or a relay.
You can easily adapt the code to add any number of devices to a single Feather for all sorts of interactive home automation projects with ease!
No external server, gateway, service, computer, Raspberry Pi, etc. required!
Code and tutorial based on the great open source lib & example code at http://tinkerman.cat/emulate-wemo-device-esp8266/ which is based off of the Python example code by https://github.com/makermusings/fauxmo
Or HUZZAH breakout (harder to use, requires an FTDI cable or USB-Serial adapter)
You'll also need a USB cable for the above and/or a battery for portable use.
Our demo code also uses a Relay FeatherWing and a NeoPixel Featherwing
You can also use a Powerswitch tail if you want to control an outlet without splicing any cables
Page last edited November 27, 2016
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