Installation of the editor can be performed in two ways. One is the more trusting, but much easier way, the second is a bit more manual.
Once you have the terminal application open, assuming you're using Occidentalis, type in the following:
Easy installation:
Log into your Raspberry Pi. If you're on a Mac, you can open to log into the Raspberry Pi over SSH. Linux users can open the default terminal application. If you're using Windows, you'll want to download a good terminal application. My favorite is PuTTY.Once you have the terminal application open, assuming you're using Occidentalis, type in the following:
$ ssh [email protected] [email protected] password:
Once you type your password in, and get a prompt, you can copy and paste the following command, and hit enter. This command will download an script from our github repository, and execute it automatically for you.
curl | sudo sh
The editor will be installed into /usr/share/adafruit/webide using the user webide. The script will install node, npm, redis-server, git, and i2c-tools. If you'd like to review the script, it's located in our repository.
The installation may take from 3-5 minutes, so please be patient.
After the installation is complete, you'll see the following prompt:
**** Starting the server...(please wait) **** **** The Adafruit WebIDE is installed and running! **** **** Commands: sudo systemctl {start,stop,restart} adafruit-webide **** **** Navigate to http://raspberrypi.local:8080 to use the WebIDE
The editor is now installed, and you can open a browser to access it from any computer in your network.
Due to our very small development team, and limited resources, the only browsers that are supported are Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox at this time. We hope to support more in the future!
Due to our very small development team, and limited resources, the only browsers that are supported are Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox at this time. We hope to support more in the future!
Manual Installation:
You can manually install the editor by following along in the following installer script and choosing the components you'd like to install:
curl | sh
You can also manually uninstall by removing the following components:
- Delete the folder the editor exists in.
- Uninstall nodejs npm redis-server git avahi-daemon i2c-tools.
Page last edited March 08, 2024
Text editor powered by tinymce.