Motion-activated devices have been around for a while. They are an excellent way to save money if you have a habit of leaving the lights or fan on while you're not in the room.
With the FunHouse, it's easy to set up your own motion activated device using a PIR sensor. This guide will take you through setting up a FunHouse board to control an outlet strip that you can plug a light or fan into. For this guide, we're going to use a fan.
This project is designed so you can either use the FunHouse as a standalone device or interface with Home Assistant to optionally control the device as well. If you want to get creative, you can use it to do things like automatically turning off your TV to encourage you to keep moving around every so often.

Extending the Wires
If you would like to extend the connection between the FunHouse and the Outlet Relay Module, Adafruit has the parts for that too.

Page last edited March 08, 2024
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