Trying to find something in your purse at a dark restaurant or party? What a pain! Make it easy to see what's in your bag with LED sequins, GEMMA, and conductive hook & loop
This beginner level e-textiles project has you sewing with conductive thread and loading a simple Arduino program onto the GEMMA microcontroller. This project is perfect for use with the GEMMA Sequin Starter Pack! Just add hook & loop. Before you get started, follow the Gemma M0 guide or the Classic Introducing GEMMA guide
Gather up the following parts & tools:
- Gemma M0 or GEMMA v2 wearable microcontroller
- (Optional): build on the: GEMMA Starter Pack or GEMMA Sequin Starter Pack
- Conductive hook & loop
- Purse or backpack
- Scissors
- Clear nail polish
- USB cable
- Computer with Adafruit Arduino software
Page last edited April 29, 2014
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