Build a musical Synth Guitar with Adafruit's RP2040 PropMaker Feather and CircuitPython!
This instrument uses CircuitPython SynthIO to generate musical notes that can be modulated using rotary encoders and the PropMaker Feather's on-board accelerometer.
Use NeoKey 'Cherry MX'-compatible key switches and a guitar-hero-like strum-bar to play notes.
The RP2040 PropMaker Feather features high-quality I2S audio output. You can switch between the on-board speaker or TRRS audio jack.
The NeoPixel change colors depending on the NeoKey that is pressed.
Prerequisite Guides
For more information on the RP2040 PropMaker Feather and using the SynthIO module in CircuitPython, check out these guides.

Page last edited March 08, 2024
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