We primarily recommend using the ESP32 chipsets with Arduino. Don't forget you will also need to install the SiLabs CP2104 Driver if you are using an ESP32 board with USB-to-Serial converter! (There's no harm in doing it, so we recommend even if you aren't.)
Install Arduino IDE
The first thing you will need to do is to download the latest release of the Arduino IDE. You will need to be using version 1.8 or higher for this guide.
Install CP2104 / CP2102N USB Driver
Many ESP32 boards have a USB-to-Serial converter that talks to the chip itself, and will need a driver on your computer's operating system. The driver is available for Mac and Windows. It is already built into Linux.
Install CH9102 / CH34X USB Driver
Newer ESP32 boards have a different USB-to-serial converter that talks to the chip itself, and will need a driver on your computer's operating system. The driver is available for Mac and Windows. It is already built into Linux.
If you would like more detail, check out the guide on installing these drivers.
Install ESP32 Board Support Package from GitHub
For this board, we recommend you don't use 'release' version of Espressif's board support package because the current release doesn't include board support.
Instead we will install the "very latest" by following these instructions (scroll down for mac and Linux as well
Basically, install by git cloneing the Espressif ESP32 board support to get the very latest version of the code.
In the Tools → Board submenu you should see ESP32 Arduino (in sketchbook) and in that dropdown it should contain the ESP32 boards along with all the latest ESP32 boards.
If you purchased the Feather ESP32-S3 No PSRAM, look for and choose Adafruit Feather ESP32-S3 No PSRAM.
If you purchased Feather ESP32-S3 4MB Flash 2MB PSRAM, look for and choose Adafruit Feather ESP32-S3 2MB PSRAM.
The upload speed can be changed: faster speed makes uploads take less time but sometimes can cause upload issues. 921600 should work fine, but if you're having issues, you can drop down lower.
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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