When I saw these 7 segment displays with FeatherWing backpacks on Ask an Engineer, I got really excited. I love clocks! I have the original Ice Tube clock from Adafruit, plus the PiGlow daughter card binary clock, plus my collection of watches (including a programmable TI digital watch that I've re-programmed to display Martian Standard Time and the current Sol). So the thought of having a mobile clock with a colored display made me immediately run to the shop and buy three colors (and a Circuit Playground, but that's for another tutorial).
This clock design uses NTP (Network Time Protocol) to always display the accurate time, synchronized to the same clocks that run the Internet!
Follow along to build your own ultra-precision clock that always has the exact right time, synced to Internet atomic-accuracy clocks!
Page last edited April 30, 2016
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