I am a model from the north of Germany and usually post my own artworks at my main profile la-esmeralda.
I created this account because so many people asked me if they could edit my photos and I want to give you something to work with. So I hope you will find some photos here that you can use for your artworks! They are free for personal work, I sell them for everything else (more info below). Have fun editing my photos and if you have any questions please send an e-mail to:
I am not online here very often so I always forget to come here to check my messages. Sorry!
Feel free to use what you find at La-Esmeralda-Stock but please make sure to read and agree with these rules BEFORE you use my photos.
1. Where can you use my photos for free? You are allowed to use my stock photos for manipulations or as references for other works (for example paintings or dolls) and you can also use them for youtube tutorials. You can also use them as your character photo for Role Playing Games. All in all, you can use them for every personal work that you like, as long as it goes with the rest of my rules.
But do not post my unretouched photos anywhere and don't give them away in free downloads! (Except for before/after pics of course) Facebook is full of my stock photos wihout any credits and I do not like that.
No matter where you post your artwork - please post your work on dA as well so I can save it in my favourites
2. Credit me! Link back to the deviation you use - no matter if you upload it on deviantart or your personal homepage or anywhere else. I always want to see the link to this stock account. If you are on facebook you are welcome to link back to my profile (La Esmeralda) but make sure to add this link as well. Why? I get tons of mails on facebook of people who ask if I would allow them to edit the finished works they see on facebook or I get links to manipulations they made with my non-stock photos. If they knew about the stock account this would change. Thank you!
3. Personal work, free projects: You don't need to ask for permission if you want to use my photos for your personal works but you always have to write a comment under the photo you use or send a note with a link to your deviation. Even if you submit it outside dA!
I offer stocks for free so you could at least tell me what you do with my stuff
4. Don't use my stock photos to create new stock or claim my photos as your own! This includes tubes.
5. Prints: You may submit prints on dA or redbubble etc - as long as you credit me. You are not allowed to sell my photos to other companies so they can sell prints.
6. Respect: Don’t rip off my head / arms / legs! I think it is disrespectful to put your head instead of mine and also I don't like it to look like I had an accident. Also, don't put my photos in a sexual content! Amputating my left arm but adding naked breast instead, for example, kind of makes me angry.
7. Commercial use? Publications? Book covers? E-Books?
Please send an e-mail for the details and my rates to la-esmeralda@gmx.de and don’t forget that, even if you publish a book or whatever, I want to be credited. Please understand that, if you want to sell your works for bookcovers or CD-Artworks or whatever, I want to be paid as I have put a lot of work and money into these photos. I don't want tons of money but it should be fair, don't you think? My rates start from 50€ and depend on the details of your publication. Also, I would be happy to get a copy of the book / CD / magazine / flyer etc, if possible.
Of course it makes sense to ask me BEFORE you publish your book etc.
We should sign a contract so that everything is fine
8. I might post your work! I work as a model and I upload my photos to different sites like la-esmeralda, facebook, instagram, modelmayhem etc... If you used my photos and I like them it might happen that I download them to upload them to my portfolio, usually on facebook and sometimes also on instagram/ twitter / tumblr. Of course I will give credits to your gallery but I won't ask for permission since I think it is just fair to post stuff with my face on it
Also, I like to print them for myself from time to time so it would be nice to get a high resolution of this image if I ask for it - I don't like to pay for prints of me Of course I don't sell them or anything. I just have a little photo album where I put the printed photos in
9. Free E-Books, Bandcamp and other free downloads You are NOT allowed to use my photos for publications with free downloads. I am happy to sell you my photos for that, but don't give them away for free.
Imagine I walk in a store and find something with my face on it that I did not expect because you didn't tell me before. Of course it is nice to see myself being published but don't forget to check out rule number 7 before you publish anything.
If you ever forget to ask me before you publish something be prepared to get a letter from my lawyer
Thank you!
Muy muy buenas fotos, me encantan; especialmente éstas, te pareces bastante a un personaje de un videojuego, concretamente a Lady Alcina Dimitrescu, del Resident Evil 8, no lo he jugado pero parece que da miedo y bastante... aunque ese personaje lleva un vestido blanco...
Very very good photos, I love them; especially these, you look a lot like a character from a video game, specifically Lady Alcina Dimitrescu, from Resident Evil 8, I haven't played it but it seems scary and quite ... although that character is wearing a white dress...
Me dedico al retoque fotográfico, al dibujo y al modelismo en general, y solicito permiso para hacer mi creación, siempre y cuando no te sientas ofendida por ello ( he leído tus reglas y lo comprendo, a nadie le gusta que plagien sus trabajos y que encima se los asignen como suyos)
Cómo he dicho, me apasiona el dibujo y éste es el personaje que he mencionado más arriba:
I dedicate myself to photographic retouching, drawing and modeling in general, and I request permission to make my creation, as long as you do not feel offended by it (I have read your rules and I understand it, nobody likes to have their work plagiarized and that above assign them as yours)
As I said, I am passionate about drawing and this is the character I mentioned above:
Ahora mismo no recuerdo si tengo por ahí alguna captura de pantalla del personaje en cuestión, por eso he colocado uno de mis dibujos. Está hecho con lápices de grafito de la marca Faber Castell, una marca demasiado profesional para este tipo de cosas, también gasto los lápices de colores polychromos de la misma marca, alemana por cierto y me gusta mucho trabajar mis obras con esa marca... Aquí otros de mis dibujos hechos con estos lápices:
Right now I don't remember if I have a screenshot of the character in question lying around, that's why I've placed one of my drawings. It is made with graphite pencils from the brand Faber Castell, a brand that is too professional for this type of thing, I also spend the polychromous colored pencils of the same brand, German by the way, and I really like working with my works with that brand ... Here is other of my drawings made with these pencils:
Thank you for faving
Thanks for your picture :)
Impressive work!