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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Student // Photography
  • Feb 25, 1992
  • United States
  • Deviant for 17 years
  • She / Her
Ninja Llama: Llamas are awesome! (612)
Paranoid: Wears a tinfoil hat
Delicious Cake: My, that's a delicious cake (1)
My Bio

Alright. I think there's a lot about me that I'd have to type here. I'll just start out with.. I'm Kate. You can also call me Betty, Spits, Snooki, Katie, Katertot, or even baby if you get that close. (; I love cooking, drawing, editing pictures, photography, shopping, men, chicken, gaming, laughing, and a lot more. My favorite coffee is a Dunkin' Donuts iced medium decaf, milk, no sugar, with a caramel swirl shot but I only like it if the flavoring is sweet or else it tastes like crap. I either plan on being a chef or a CIA agent when I'm older. I'm probably the most romance/guys obsessed girl you will ever meet. I wear my heart on my sleeve. I HATE post nasal drip. I am beast at Guitar Hero. I'm also addicted to Portal 2, Left 4 Dead 2, and Half-Life. Romeo and Juliet, the Leonardo DiCaprio version, is my favorite movie besides Zombieland. I LIVE by Zombieland, except I love snowballs more than twinkies. Jesy McKinney is hot. I laugh approximately 273 times a day. I really like science. I'm probably not the cutest avocado in the market but hey, I have a personality that's hard to find. I've had pretty good relationships in the past, but looking back on them I wish they were better. I have so many friends, but there are some that just walked right into my life and stomped right out. I've had fights. I've felt sad, depressed, angry, and the worst feeling: in love. And I'm telling you right now, once you're in love, it's really hard to crawl out. I'm smart, very bright, and I'm sort of a wise ass. If I didn't say anything that you want to know, just ask, I'll reply. :D (Big Grin) I don't bite.. much.

Well, I did not die, just letting y'all know. I've been basically talking to my boyfriend, playing video games and hanging out with friends lately (for the past year). Buuut I did draw somethin' and it's just an avatar for my Steam profile.
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Not Quitting

0 min read
But I probably won't draw anything anymore.Instead, I'm editing images with Photoshop CS3, and doing it pretty well, actually. And I'm very interested in photography and culinary art. (: I'll upload some of the images I edited recently, along with one I'm very proud of. After today I'll be gone for the rest of the week. I'm going on a school field trip.Well, I hope on making a new start here on deviantART with photography and editing.OH, has anyone played Portal 2 lately? If you have it, add me on Steam: neat0burrit0 I'd love to play co-op with you.
anonymous's avatar
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0 min read
This is probably a very bad time to say this, but deviantART has been more about socialization more than art. And I have fallen into that trap.The only reason I log on everyday is to check my inbox and all I ever find are deviations, journals, and about 3 faves every day. I don't find it a big help for improving my art because nobody ever comments on my deviations anyway. Honestly, drawing has become less important with me and I've been looking at other options for a while now. The art on here is getting less and less original and interesting.I joined deviantART on November 29, 2007. You may not believe me, but on that day, I was only 10 o...
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Profile Comments 3.8K

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KonaMeerkatCafe's avatar
Its been so long o_o hey
KonaMeerkatCafe's avatar
Happy Birthday~ Cx
birthdays's avatar
:iconflyingheartsplz: :iconcakelickplz: :iconforyouplz: :iconheartballoonplz: :iconpresentplz: :party: :iconcakelickplz:

:iconyourocksonicplz: !!! HAPPY:iconrainbowbummiecakeplz: BIRTHDAY !!! :iconyourocksonicplz:

:iconcakelickplz: :party: :iconpresentplz: :iconheartballoonplz: :iconforyouplz: :iconcakelickplz: :iconflyingheartsplz:

It's February 25 th which means it's that time of the year again and
:iconcoolmanplz: your special day :iconcoolmanplz: is here!

We hope you have an awesome day with lots of birthday fun, gifts,
happiness and most definitely, lots of :iconyummybirthdaycakeplz: cake !

Here's to another great year!

Many well wishes and love from your friendly birthdays team :love:

:iconlovelyheartsplz::iconmuchlove5plz::iconmuchlove6plz: ---The Birthdays Team :iconiloveit-plz: :iconlovelyheartsplz:

:iconflyingheartsplz: :iconflyingheartsplz: This birthday greeting was brought to you by:

:iconflyingheartsplz: :iconiloveit-plz: :iconflyingheartsplz: :iconbirthdayglompplz:=SilverSymphony :iconcuteheartz:
ice-or-fire's avatar
Happy [early] birthday!
May every glowing candle on your cake be a wish that comes true!
JRd1st's avatar
sent an angel to watch over you last night but it came back. I asked “why?” The angel said “angels don't watch over angels.” Twenty angels are IN your world. Ten of them are sleeping, nine are playing, one is reading this message. Send this to ten friends including me. I guess if I don't get it back I'm not one of them. As soon as you get five replies, someone you love will quietly surprise you. Please read, not joking. God has seen you struggling with something. God says its over. A blessing is coming your way. If you believe in God send this message on. Please don't ignore it. You are being tested. God is going to fix two things BIG tonight in your favor. DROP Everything and pass it on. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life. Don't break this chain. Send to 14 friends in 10 minutes. It's not that hard
FreeTheSanity's avatar
Thank you so much for the watch, lovely. <3
NoraBlansett's avatar
Blame your dad that I found your work on here! You're very talented in both art and photography and I really hope you post more here!

...and since everyone's kinda meeting everyone, my daughter (who is your age) is over here: [link]

She draws some and posts a lot of her photography. :XD:

Nice too meet you Katertot (I like that, it's terminally cute!)! :D