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Beautiful livery

Written on 2024/09/19 by Jesús Javier Pérez Luis

Probably a sub for A350-900

Written on 2024/09/19 by Darryl Sarno

West Crescent Gates ?

Written on 2024/09/19 by JM32

Awesome capture. I actually found this picture as a meme a few months ago.

Written on 2024/09/19 by Jeremiah Gates

Thanks Tam

Written on 2024/09/19 by nickmarconi019

I've watched this rebuild via Facebook and the web since it started, you wouldn't believe how far it's come from the pile of parts and partial airframe he started with.

Written on 2024/09/19 by Bill Bailey

Aircraft had a great up landing on 17-SEP-24 at Boston. Only LH main gear down.

Written on 2024/09/18 by Guido Warnecke

Well done Gary, and salute to the crew who gave it all.

Written on 2024/09/18 by Dave Sheehy

Thanks Gary and I would love to see your pics of this bird at Hanscom.

Written on 2024/09/18 by Darryl Sarno

Thanks Gary and your shot of Breeze is fantastic!

Written on 2024/09/18 by Darryl Sarno

Great photo and thank you for sharing this information!

Written on 2024/09/18 by Darryl Sarno

Fantastic shot Gary and great information! 5 *'s and worth many more!

Written on 2024/09/18 by Darryl Sarno

Thank you Gary!

Written on 2024/09/18 by Darryl Sarno

Thanks G-Man!

Written on 2024/09/18 by Darryl Sarno

Formal dedication of this memorial display will be conducted one week from today; on 25 September, 2024.

Written on 2024/09/18 by Gary Schenauer

Thanks, Tom. MD11 is a vintage beauty, quite rare nowadays.

Written on 2024/09/18 by Andrei Shmatko

Nice shot of a big ole' workhorse

Written on 2024/09/18 by Tom Glass

Nice angle!

Written on 2024/09/18 by Andrei Shmatko

Nice shot Ben!

Written on 2024/09/18 by Shabbir Bashar

Exceptional snap, Boss. Perfectly timed. *****++!
I saw my first - ever MXY not long ago. (Just posted it a few minutes ago). Mine was not as fine as this. Smoke and ash from the Davis Fire was swirling around and falling on the airport grounds (my eyes were watering and my nose was sore from smoke) plus it was 3:45 PM and I was on the east side (Charlie Taxiway - the shady side by that hour of the day) so the entire port side of the MXY in my snap is not brightly lit. But my goal was to get a click of it because it was something new to see here at quiet little RNO.
A solid FIVE for your pic here. (Thumbs Up)

Written on 2024/09/17 by Gary Schenauer

5* x 2 = 10*. Primo capture!

Written on 2024/09/17 by Gary Schenauer

Hey, seeing this reminds me. I caught an arrival from Hanscom not too long ago. I'll have to find my snaps of that one (I don't recall exactly what it was but I don't think it was a Gulfstream). I think it was a "No Track by Request" bird which means I can't post it so I'll have to e/m it to you when I find it.
Excellent catch here. 5*

Written on 2024/09/17 by Gary Schenauer

Hi, Boss, and Congrats on this find and catch. And TY for sharing this fine ***** shot. In all of the 23 years I've been here, there have been a grand total of five DAL 767s here - all military charters for the Marines - and absolutely none in the past four years, so I'm pretty dang certain I'll never see this here. We do get 763s, but only FDX or UPS. So I truly appreciate your posting this. Great capture, D.

Written on 2024/09/17 by Gary Schenauer

On this single day of campaigning, Breeze's chartered Airbus (call: Moxy) was in four cities: Minneapolis/St. Paul (KMSP) to Dallas (KDAL), to here (KRNO), and then finally to Las V (KLAS).

Written on 2024/09/17 by Gary Schenauer

This was the first airplane I ever got close to. It was flown by a CAP officer who was a teaching in my high school a mile away. I was amazed how small it was. It got me started. Now I am a CFI-I with over 5,000 hours ! ( I did not take this picture.)

Written on 2024/09/17 by Mike Young

Very nice evening capture. Great job on a great photo!

Written on 2024/09/17 by Lex W.

PA24 Comanche.

Written on 2024/09/17 by CHRIS ROBEY

Stock standard Cherokee 140 (PA28-140). She even still has the original classic wingtips and paint scheme. Nice shot!

Written on 2024/09/17 by CHRIS ROBEY


Written on 2024/09/16 by sanjiv07

Ready with fresh paint.

Written on 2024/09/16 by sanjiv07

Sexy AF....

Written on 2024/09/16 by Joe Lewis

Probably the best pic I've seen in this forum!!!

Written on 2024/09/16 by Joe Lewis


Written on 2024/09/16 by sanjiv07

lots of nayo's marx's and borses

Written on 2024/09/16 by JM32

NAYO and MARX. Thanks borsi

Written on 2024/09/15 by nickmarconi019


Written on 2024/09/15 by nickmarconi019

Great perspective with the mountains in back! Well done!

Written on 2024/09/15 by Darryl Sarno

Great catch Gary! I haven't seen this one before so TY for sharing!

Written on 2024/09/15 by Darryl Sarno

Fantastic shot of the Queen! 5 *'s and deserves many more!

Written on 2024/09/15 by Darryl Sarno

It's like... I'm there!

Written on 2024/09/15 by Diana Rose

Yes indeed, in regard to the wheel fairings cutting down on aerodynamic drag. They went out of use for quite a while, but I notice that the very latest Kodiak version has incorporated them...

Written on 2024/09/15 by CHRIS ROBEY

Sue: Those cover's above the tires are there to direct air flow and cut down on any turbulence. Believe they are called fairing pants or wheel speeding fairing. Something like that. Not many aircraft have these but this Saratoga is one. Hope this answers. TKS!

Written on 2024/09/15 by warmwynds

Embassies and AF bases were still using them as base birds into the 70s with the Navy using the Super version (C-117) Caught rides on both on my TDYs. I remember you rode facing aft on the Navy ones.

Written on 2024/09/14 by David Ingram

Thanks John !!

Written on 2024/09/14 by JM32

And Merry Christmas lights to boot!

Written on 2024/09/14 by Steven H Wilcox

Beautiful shot!! Thank you Ed.

Written on 2024/09/14 by Steven H Wilcox

Thanks Tim. Thanks Hayley. Thanks Steve.

Written on 2024/09/14 by JM32

Flew Beech 18s as a copilot for FLL based commuter airlines in 1968-1970. right out of college and they were tricycle gear modified. Then in early 70's flew an E-18 for a family fishing operation out of MIA/FLL to the southern Bahama Islands. Probably have 1000 hours in that reliable bird - save for an engine loss over the Atlantic Ocean, making it to "Deadmans Key" airport.

Written on 2024/09/14 by Mike Zorovich


Written on 2024/09/14 by garritt


Written on 2024/09/13 by Gary Jones


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