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미디어 속성: FlightAware 제공


South Korea Accuses North Korea of GPS Jamming Attack
South Korea’s military reported GPS jamming by North Korea since Friday, disrupting several ships and civilian aircraft near the Yellow Sea. South Korea’s Joint Chiefs urged ca (기타)
Qantas 737 suffers engine failure on take-off
Australian investigators have opened a probe into an engine failure incident on a Qantas Boeing 737-800 that was flying from Sydney to Brisbane. The aircraft was operating (기타)
Boeing 737 Production Grinds Forward
The FAA will increase oversight of Boeing as it resumes 737 production. (기타)
United Takes Delivery of First 787 in 20 Months
The latest aircraft is the first in the airline’s 2022 order for 200 Boeing widebody jets. (기타)
Russian Su-57 fighter jet has stealth qualities mocked in China
Su-57 shows off poor build quality in Zhuhai debut. The Sukhoi Su-57 has had an inauspicious start to its Zhuhai air show appearance, with a close-up video revealing questionab (기타)
Cargo Plane Catches Fire After Landing at São Paulo Airport
A Total Linhas Aéreas Boeing 737-400SF caught fire after landing at São Paulo’s Guarulhos Airport early on November 9. Firefighters responded immediately as the freighter, flig (기타)


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