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We mobilise people and resources to create, curate, make sense of and use knowledge to inform policymaking across Europe.

Projects and activities | Last updated: 23 Feb 2022

Atlas of Demography (AoD)

A new knowledge management tool to better understand demographic change.

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Atlas of Demography


Together with the green and digital transitions, demographic change is the third transformation shaping the future of Europe. A good understanding of how demographic change and the local, regional and national realities interact is key to tailor EU policies to the changing conditions on the ground.

Demographic knowledge is cross-cutting: demographic drivers and implications of territorial disparities across EU regions provide unique and detailed insights to tackle societal challenges and to even better understand political attitudes. Demographic insights will help inform the development and implementation of policies that are closer to citizens’ needs.

The Atlas of Demography is a new interactive knowledge management tool that enables policy-makers and citizens to observe, monitor and anticipate demographic challenges. It aims at informing several policy areas  - such as health, labour, education, access to services and amenities, territorial and cohesion policies, to name a few - with timely, robust, comparable demographic data and knowledge at the finest level of geographical detail (down to the level of a single municipality).

Access the tool

Key features of the Atlas

High-resolution geographic coverage: a quick access to a comprehensive body of demographic data and knowledge featuring a strong territorial and forward-looking approach at the EU, national, regional and local level. The Atlas contains official statistics and projections from Eurostat and new data at high spatial resolution produced by the JRC.

Thematic sections: the Atlas will contain thematic stories linking demographic trends to specific policy contexts.

The Atlas is a living tool, it will evolve in the future, incorporating new indicators and analyses and will extend its scope from EU boundaries to global coverage. 

Factsheet and media

Demographic change is the third transformation shaping the future of Europe, together with the green transition and digitalisation. Unfortunately, it is also the one that gets the least attention. Demographic change concerns all of us, and the future of our children. In this TEDx talk, Francesco Sermi, data-scientist and researcher at the Joint Research Centre (JRC), explains why we should be more interested in demographic trends and invites us to be more creative, inclusive and brave when making choices that will allow us to build a future Europe that embraces demographic change. (The talk is in Italian.)

Atlas of Demography Factsheet
(357.3 KB - pdf)

Reference Reports

This report aims at detailing the territorial diversities of ageing across the EU, understanding the main drivers behind such differences and explore their relations with data on access to services and amenities, regional economic performance, political attitudes and behaviours.
The demographic landscape of EU territories
In the EU, the right to timely access the ‘affordable, preventive and curative health care of good quality’ and the right to ‘affordable long-term services of good quality’ are enshrined in the European Pillar of Social Rights (C(2017) 2600 final). The backbone of health and long-term care (LTC) systems’ capacity to ensure that EU citizens can exercise these rights is its workforce. The COVID-19 pandemic has put the resilience of national health and LTC systems to the test...
Healthcare and long-term care workforce: demographic challenges and potential contribution of migration and digital technology

Project timeline

  1. 29 April 2021
    AoD 1.0 Launch event
    Demographic data at the EU, national, regional and  local level
    Learn more about the event
  2. January 2022
    AoD 2.0
    Integration of demographic determinants and projections
  3. December 2022
    AoD 3.0
    Global coverage with national demographic data and projections

AoD 2.0

Content of the tool in this release:

  • data on the three components of demography – mortality, fertility and migration – for the 27 EU Member States and their regions,
  • population projections for the EU Member States up to 2050, and
  • three new thematic stories on the demographic impact of COVID-19 on EU territories, loneliness and support for governments. 

AoD 1.0

Content of the tool in this release:


Launch event:

Watch the video recording of the event

Atlas of Demography launch event

Key Speakers:

D. Suica quote for the Atlas of Demography
M. Gabriel quote for the Atlas of Demography

Latest knowledge from this Project