Me and My Birthday CakeKinnisonArc on DeviantArt

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KinnisonArc's avatar

Me and My Birthday Cake



Been a while since I make a new one, due to busted laptop I was forced to make this at the college lab. The color didn't turn out well because of the computer quality. :cough:

I made this for my upcoming birthday, which is on Tuesday 18th May. I'm turning 20 :)

If you look closely, the candles are the number "20" instead of just, umm... normal candles?

Well, I usually don't need a big party to celebrate my birthday but giving a gift to myself with my own talent is something that I should have to remind myself of what I can do. :)

(This was supposed to have the word style "Happy Birthday" on it just like the one on the merchant [link] and the knight [link] . I forgot to include it so I will next time)
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50x50px 2.84 KB
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VannilaIcecream's avatar
Happy Late Late Late Birthday!

I like you're emote,I did not know it was you're birthday emote.