Kamino185's avatar


Medical Illustrator
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  • Deviant for 20 years
  • She / Her
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Current Residence: RIT

Updates in June

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So I'm thinking once summer starts I'll have time to go through my college work and post some stuff. Has been forever since an update and I am still on here enough that it'd warrant showing what I'm doing (and it's not "fan" related things anymore).Thanks to all of you who have stuck around and still comment me, much appreciated!Links to all my Halo Artwork in one place for your veiwing pleasure from newest to oldest (since that is what I'm most watched for I think.....)Customize (Pencil) http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/60538361/The Flood (Tablet) http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/57084972/Slayer Pro (Tablet) http://www.deviantart.co...
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MrShadowMan's avatar
Nocturnal-Link's avatar
Last piece uploaded was a rabbit in 2011?! Must see updated skills... I love the Halo fan art. I hope you're still making art! Cheers!
Kairo-The-Pyro's avatar
:iconmotherofgodmeme: I'm not the only girl out there who likes Halo.
MylaFox's avatar
This comment made me laugh. It's kinda what I thought when I was looking through this gallery. xD She's a wicked artist, and a Halo fan to boot!

I hope I'm not the only female at the Halo 4 launch party tonight, lol.
Kairo-The-Pyro's avatar
Yeah, I can't wait for Halo 4! Man, I've been waiting so long and it's so close now to coming out. =D
MylaFox's avatar
Gwah, I know the feeling! ;~; I feel like I'm gonna explode from the suspense.

It's only a matter of hours away! I have a feeling this is going to be amazing like all the others. It seems like 343 knows what they're doing with the series.

Anyways, it's nice to meet another Halo girl. Stay awesome, and remember to kick butt. :"D My tag is the same as my username here, if you ever wanna hit me up some time. I'm probably going to spam my watchers with Halo-themed paintings pretty soon. >w<
jhawkins8385's avatar
hey there, I'm just another DA user with a good sense of perception... I think another user has stolen and reposted artwork that belongs to you and I thought you'd want to know...and theres other works that I dont recognize but I'm positive they belong to others and maybe they are familiar to you. Here is a link to the one I'm sure is yours: