Hello everybody!It has been a long time since my last journal entry.. Almost absolut two years I think..
Well, I think I'm a bit lazy writing journals.. at least I uploaded some photos XDD!Facebook:
This time I write a journal because I made a new facebook-page calles "Juka Cosplay"..
To be found here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Juka-Cosplay/165075410320398
If you like my stuff, please give me a "like" :heart:
I also hope, that I can manage to upload some progress pictures there. Would be nice, I think.. XDConvention:
In two weeks I'll be in Ludwigshafen at Hanami 2013. I'm really looking forward to that convention, because I'll be abl...
I hate Journal Entries, but it's time to write a new one (at least it is 2011 now, so it's time somehow xD!)...First of all:
I want to wish you all a good 2011! (I hope you had a nice start!)This year will hopefully be full of new cosplays and I'm looking forward to every single upcoming convention this year ♥
(I'm a little lazy so now I'm not going to post a full list of every cosplay and convention here..)But the next big convention will be bookfair Leipzig!Friday: Watari Yutaka (Yami no Matsuei) (with :iconladyashton: as Tatsumi Seiichiro)
Saturday: Absol [Gijinka] (Pokemon) (with :iconladyashton: as mareep; :iconhana-chii: as Tracy ......
I sign up to DA for give you thanks for your Ukitake cosplay! Last month I made Ukitake Cosplay too and i not had idea that how i had to make up!!
Yes, i know makeup is not so important (really i don't like make-up myself), but... your photos helped me so much!! And I thought... I must give thanks to Juka-sama! Hence, I signed up in DA!!
I'm really glad I could help you! I don't wear that much make up as Ukitake, but I think when you cosplay a male-character, you needn't use that much make up xD