Equestria Girls style Nightcrawlerjmkplover on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jmkplover/art/Equestria-Girls-style-Nightcrawler-595696405jmkplover

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Equestria Girls style Nightcrawler



one of my favorite x-men chatacters (due in part to his religious belief, among other things), kurt wagner has been an valued member of the team. this swashbuckling acrobat is both a gentle friend and a tortured and lonely soul due to his appearance.

his appearance comes fromivybeth.deviantart.com/art/XCo…, used with permission.

when fluttershy first meets him, she mistakes him for a changeling. but very quickly she discovers the charming character behind the frightening face and the two become close friends. logan asks kurt not to discuss his faith with her, being that she comes from a more secular world. but she turns out to be more understanding and respectful of his belief system, as he is of hers, something I wish for...
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RelwarcTheMighty's avatar
Yay! Best X-men ever!