Composez de la musique avec les extensions Audio Unit

Les extensions Audio Unit vous permettent d'ajouter une panoplie d’instruments et d’effets dignes d’un studio directement dans GarageBand ou toute autre app de création musicale compatible. Voici les apps qui tranformeront vos créations, à l’aide de sons d’instruments de légende ou de ceux qui sont amenés à le devenir. Et tout ça depuis votre iPad ou votre iPhone.


Turn your bedroom closet into a concert hall! Whether you’re a singer, instrumentalist, voice actor, or DJ, these reverb apps give your tracks a beautiful resonance.

Vocal effects

How do podcasters get their voice to sound so deep and resonant? And how do pop stars pull off the perfect vocal track? These plug-ins are part of the secret. They enhance vocal depth and clarity, and can adjust a singer’s intonation and even range in post.

Virtual orchestras

These apps provide a full suite of acoustic instruments—piano, cello, flute, horns, and much more. Compose and perform your next symphonic masterpiece with these incredibly natural-sounding virtual instruments.


These apps bring the heat to your electronic-music tracks and live performances with classic synth sounds and vintage vibes.

Dynamic delays

From tried-and-true vintage tape delays to psychedelic effects that have never been heard before, these delay plug-ins offer granular adjustments to let you craft your echo just so.

Break the mold

Some creative tools defy categorization. With these game changers, tap out a beat to convert it into an editable MIDI track, create a fugue with a tailor-made sequencer, play wild bass synths, and more!