Thanks! These were the most imaginary cards I could think of. LOL.
Big Puffin Games
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Full disclosure, I adapted the flowchart mechanism from Tim Hutchins Thousand Year Old Campfire. It's an incredibly realistic game about how to create an archaeology field report from the bottom up. I'm glad it worked out well for this game.
You roll a d6 and select the entry that corresponds to that number. Then you roll a d6 again and mark off the number of squares on the chart. Continue until you roll an exit and have squares left or you run out of squares.
For example, you first roll a 2 which is “buy something”. Then you roll a 4 for 4 hours. Mark off 4 squares. Then write in your journal about what you did for that 4 hours. What did you buy? From whom did you buy it? How long did you shop around before you found what you wanted to buy, etc.
I really shouldn’t try and learn games when I have a headache but i think I answered my own question after reading through the directions a few more times.
I’d add a sample turn if possible just so people are clear on how to apply the completed items to the client list. For example, a line like “You are working on items for a client with a score of 8. You can fulfill their order by finishing any number of cards that add up to 8. All face cards are considered to have the same value.
Thanks for the shout-out! I’ll admit, I kinda threw together The Article Also Gazes Back but I like how it came out. It mirrors my own “research spiral” when I’m working on papers.
I meant to write a couple more games but I got laid off on the 9th and the month kinda bombed after that. I did attend the Serious Play conference in Toronto in the middle of the month and talked up the jam. Most of the people attending were more in the digital games field but analog games were represented and so I got to spread the love of one-page TTRPGs.
Used carta forThe Whimsy Collectors. It was a lot of fun to create.