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A member registered Jan 27, 2023

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At first I was a bit nervous about the game genre and its difficulty as I'm not usually a fan of single-player arena battle game (nor am I very good at it). But to my pleasant surprise, it wasn't as daunting as I'd thought it'd be, and it actually ended up giving me a very memorable gameplay experience.

The World and Gameplay
I really like how the story was started with a little bit of world/place setting being introduce to us player, with some mysterious and somehow quite sad flashback from the MC. But the I feel quite nervous when the game changed to "yea lets go! we fight!". If I'm allowed to be honest, the keybinds that were use in this game was very new to me.  I need quite some time to adjust myself with the new movement, but as I get quite a hang of it IT WAS SO MUCH FUN. Especially on the Last Prologue fight, hehe random skill spam was nice. I also really like the objective message on top right of the screen, It really help player to know what needed to be done. 

The Graphic and Audio
I really like the art, animation, and how the BGM was portrayed to the game. Everything feel like it was a match, each element support one and the other part of the game. Resulting in a very impactful ambiance for the player to feel.

Con and Ending Thought

I have to say overall this game was giving a pleasant and memorable gameplay experience, but as it still in development stages, there are quite some bug/glitches to be found :
- When playing the full prologue I was stuck in mini-boss winning illustration scene
- It's really difficult for me to move to the stair on Prologue 2, I have to spam W and D key repeatedly hoping I can somewhat go up
- The stair to go to town in Prologue 2 kinda cover up the MC body
-  Camera thingy. I don't really know how to explain this well but if my character was in the very left or right corner, the camera kinda auto zoom a little bit so the stage kinda get cut off and I can't really see what happening 
- Sometime the rat enemy doesn't have HP on Prologue 1, resulting I need to restart the chapter again
- Sometime the enemy didn't show up on the final Prologue 3 fight scene, also resulting to restart the chapter again

Suffice to say, I'm super excited to play the final game. 
Owh, and if I can try to guess I think my lecturer made the first BGM for the main title screen and the final story on Last Prologue.