1. "Than prove my points wrong" I already did in my first reply. I dont have to make my own game to prove you wrong.
But that doesnt even matter because argument "Dont like X? Make your own X before criticizing" doesnt work to begin with. "Dont like The Room movie? Make your own movie before you criticize", "Dont like Uber? Make your own transport company". Nope dude, world doesnt work that way.
And I dont understand why in 2025 I still have to explain such obvious things?
2. "You must have just been speed clicking through the dialogue" I only clicked through repeating parts, like watching the same movies with Robin and talking about same topics. I didnt open all scenes and endings on my first playthrough. Nevertheless, 45 minutes.
3. "Till next time Captain Butt-hurt" Kiss my butt-hurt ass