np, I'm just not good at these hehe
Recent community posts
looks like a graphics hack of a very mid 2016 platformer with imprecise controls. i compared the original with this one and albeit it now features multicolor graphics the clarity of the original spritework (which was colorful enough already imho) is now lost.
all in all maybe a 7.0/10 (updated as per "request")
too much drivel in this sales pitch. the trailer and it's voice are especially grating. too bad, because the game actually looks kinda good.
what's absolutely NOT good however, is your idea of selling this game, in fact it's a complete train wreck. get rid of the "geschwafel" (german word for blah blah) - just tell us you made a game, what it's about, and it's features, not some vague hints on some old ip you didn't even care to mention.
i could have written a better sales pitch with my eyes closed, this is not how you do it. good luck, you gonna need it.
the game: likely a solid 7.5/8.0
all the rest: swiss cheese -10/10
I am no fan of timers so I will skip on this one...
Gather round, folks & haters,
T'was only a matter of time the modern day cancer known as "rogue-like" came to the C64. (Thank God the C64 is too weak for a "souls-like", otherwise we would never see the end of it).
They give us nippon-style RPG's, pathetic attempts at DOOM (lol) and stuff like this. I just thank the people who make proper arcade titles, so we may forget said stuff.
Now If you'll excuse me, I'll go for another round of Dig Dug.