Good game! Interesting story, clear objective, & nice jumpscare. It's just that the room in the house is too dark, maybe you could make it brighter. Looking forward to your next project. :)
Mama Fraha
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PLOT TWIST TER GG!! Suka bgt sama cerita yg ga gampang ketebak gini!! Ada hantu baru kupikir genderuwo ternyata ... wkwk kocak!!
Ditunggu lanjutan gamenya bang!!
Saran : untuk PC akses map mungkin bisa pake shortcut keyboard "M" agar ga 2 kali interaksi pencet esc -> klik map, biar lebih efektif.
Pertanyaan : Apakah benar di game ini tidak ada fitur lari/jalan cepat? karna saat pencet shift seperti tidak ada perubahan kecepatan jalannya.
Never thought that laundry simulator game can deliver great dark horror story. I love the creepy atmosphere.
Just 1 thing, I found that its a lil bit hard to find interaction with stuff (sample: interaction with stove) . Would be better if you set the center cursor white and when interact with something change color or you can just popup some words such as "turn on" "Turn off" "Open" Etc
Looking forward for your next game!! (◍•ᴗ•◍)
Great game!! i love the way you create all unique customer, especially Grand father Edward, the dialog was sarcastic but funny at the same time LoL. Also Barusadar Cipularang was unpredictable :D. Finding 7 seven burgers also frustating, but the ending so EPIC! I can't imagine how cool is your imagination to put in this game! Keep up your great work!
terimakasih bang fungsi kursor & WASD sudah bisa jalan.
1. cuma kalo lg naik truk, back nya kudu di sambil di klik gbs pencet "S". -
2. Kalo bisa kursor nya otomatis tengah bang, tanpa perlu drag atau tahan klik kiri terus menerus, biar player main nya lebih nyaman
Suasana horror dan intens nya mantap! Keep up your great work! Semoga Ciihuy com games makin sukses!!
gbsa jalan kanan kiri maju mundur alias WASD, cuma bisa fungsi yang di pojok kanan bawah, itu pun harus di klik dulu pake kursor, padahal kan ini versi PC, tp berasa kaya main di hp yang harus di pencet pake jempol. tolong gmn solusi ny bang, saya mau main game Cihuy cinematic univers, karna seru story nya . makasih bang
jadi kan saya donlod dendam nenek kanibal + udah beli koin juga biar gada iklan. setelah Arip Agung naik truk ijo dan dubing supir truk mau pipis di pom bensin, kan harus nya Arip Agung bisa ekplor ya, nah ini malah fungsi kursor nya, liat deh rekam layar yang saya tautkan. tolong solusi nya gmn biar bisa main di PC. Hatur tengkyu ya bang
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